mclick1 Member


  • Have the "Easter Bunny" go through a 'cooking phase' and turn the eggs into deviled eggs or egg salad to share with the family. Still a fun twist, and the eggs get eaten all the same. You can also make those treats healthier by skipping the mayo and using a bit of greek yogurt instead!
    in Easter Comment by mclick1 March 2018
  • Thanks everyone! I'm looking in to custom tailors who can make the dress a few sizes larger just in case.
  • Thanks everyone! I should have mentioned that I am a size 24 in wedding dresses. I do know that they are very different size wise. I will keep looking, and I am also going to ask if they can make the dress in a size 22 as a special order. Who knows!
  • Good luck! We can do it!
  • Thanks! I'll look these up today!
  • Thank you! Both of you!
  • I wasn't trying to make excuses. I am a teacher in my full time job, I get 30 minutes for lunch and there is a Y near my building, but by the time I get there, I would have to turn around. I have considered taking my lunch with the students and then walking/running during that 30 minutes, but with changing involved, I lose…
  • I tried waking up early, but I was overly tired. I wake up at 6:30 and don't get to bed until around 10:30 usually. I am a teacher though, so I'm standing/moving about 80% of my full time work day, which helps. I walk to and from my second job, but cycling/walking to my full time job isn't really an option because of the…
  • I personally like cardio dance workouts, and my favorites are Julianne Hough's two DVD's and the 10 minute Solutions cardio dance blast(or something like that. The 10 Minute Solutions is actually on Netflix Instant, as well as a bunch of other workout videos, so you should check those out! If you don't have a membership,…
  • I know i posted this in the Motivation board also, but I am trying to complete a vlogging project that I set up for myself called Project 150 Fit. If you could watch the videos, and leave a comment with a challenge suggestion, that would be fantastic and I would really appreciate it. :) Here is the link to my most current…
  • Here is my first Motivational Bump Wednesday video! It is my top 5 favorite workout songs, and here is the link:
  • I posted video number 2 today. It is my first weekly challenge video! I would love it if you would watch the video(link to follow) or at the very least suggest future challenges here, or on youtube! My current challenge-To workout everyday this week for at least 45 minutes. Link:…