DarksMama Member


  • Pole classes. I was a stripper back in the day, and I was CUT. I started pole classes a few years after I decided I was getting too old for that jazz (LOL) and have been able to shear off a fair amount. Great strength builder too. I'll be going back to it as soon as my friend's studio reopens after their relocation. Y'all…
  • Nope. But to be fair, it does say "If every day were like today..." Meaning you'd have to eat the same things, the same way daily to get that 5 week projected result. I had a bacon sandwich yesterday as a treat. I think if I ate bacon and cheese every day for 5 weeks, the only thing I'd be, is screwed. LOL
  • I don't see much excess in what you were eating, but even if you'd eaten 3 packets of biscuits, it's hardly her place to be so rude and hurtful about it. She needs to understand that a simple mention might've been less dramatic and hurtful. Had she said something like "Those biscuits are lovely, but a bit rich" might've…
  • It burns a ton of calories, so yeah! COUNT IT! :)