

  • I totally agree. Professional help does not have the stigma it used to. People go to personal trainers; nutritionists; doctors for their bodies - to get assistance. Why not go to someone that is trained in emotional self image and psychological issues? I have attended group sessions for my PTSD and also have attended one…
  • I think cutting out the wine would help. but for sure do the strength training. Circuit training or intervals are a great way to get defined and lose the weight. The plus with the strength training is the after burn lasts for almost 24 hours. Cardio does not offer that. Good luck on your journey and do not give up. Created…
  • That is a great deal of money. Not sure if I would pop for that, but he is crazy. I love watching him on TV. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi! No job. Worked as a job that I hated for 25 years. Took an early retirement in 2001. Since then, was diagnosed with cancer (from Viet Nam) and then due to the treatment suffered a stroke. So, staying on track is sometimes difficult. So managing my mental state to stay true to my eating and trying to get workouts in.…
  • Great advice. By the looks of things, what you are doing is working. Great pic. Have a healthy day!
  • Welcome. I just joined yesterday. Looking forward to the support. Have a great day.