

  • I am 6ft and currently at 207lb and wearing size 14 pants and large top. I would like to get down to 170 and hopefully in a size 10 pants and medium top. My thinnest was in HS, I weighed 155 lbs and looked to skinny. I have hard a time getting past 195 lbs in the past. I have been doing a combo of weights 3x a week and…
  • I say stick to MFP! It is easy to follow along and you are more likely to stick with it once you reached your goal. My husband and I started MFP together and combined we have lost 90 lbs since January! He is 9 lbs away from his goal and I have 45 lbs to go. We have discussed that when we meet our goals we are going to…
  • I struggle with this one...I think that I want a cheat day, but then I end up feeling guilty. I am proud of how far I have come, that I almost don't want to ruin it by doing a cheat day. I do allow myself to indulge in a favorite treat every once in awhile, but always remember moderation. I always ask my self "is it worth…
    in Cheat Days Comment by long09 April 2012
  • I make a big patch of Turkey Chili. The chili makes a 6 quart container and equals about 16 servings; 1 1/2 cup serving (chili can be freezed) and the total cost was about $16. Here is the recipe: 3 lbs ground turkey, 2 -14 oz Dark Red Kidney beans, 28 oz diced tomatoes, 8 oz tomato sauce, 48 oz can of tomatoe juice, I cup…