MarcPower Member


  • Back on topic...I really don't care too much for what others do in the locker long as it is hygienic. People shaving in common areas and clipping nails and stuff bother me though. I generally just get changed and leave.
  • Sorry to escalate things. The way I read it sounded a bit offensive.
  • Hmmm....that makes sense, actually!
  • How do you know that they are gay? Did they ask you out? They are probably just friendly people. Sounds like you are making gay people out to be predators.
  • Junk. Just eat better and get active.
  • Tip #1 is that often after 2-3 minutes your mind might tell you that you should stop. Try to resist that desire...the first few minutes are always the most challenging. It gets easier after. Try running for a couple minutes after those thoughts come into your mind. Tip #2: run slow. Just because you are running, doesn't…
  • That is because it isn't possible to do that. People usually can't put on more than a couple of pounds of muscle in a month let alone in a week....not to mention that she is eating at a significant deficit which means she can't gain muscle.
  • Haha! Especially while eating below her BMR! That's fertile ground for muscle growth.
  • One week is an anomaly. Your body isn't entirely predictable. Nobody's body is. Why are you eating below BMR? You shouldn't be. It isn't good for you.
  • Usually an underestimation of calorie consumption. Either your portion sizes are bigger than expected or you underestimated the calorie count for the food you were eating. Unless you have a metabolic issue (ie thyroid problem), you should not be able to gain weight if you eat at or around your BMR. Try eating a few hundred…
  • Based on what you say about your job, you are probably burning at least 500 calories at work. Add this to your 1800 BMR and you are already at 2300 calories. This means that you could eat 1800 calories and lose a pound a week. If you go to the gym and burn 500 more calories, you could eat 2300 calories.
  • You do need a deficit of 500 calories to burn a pound a week. That deficit can be achieved in any number of ways! You can burn 2700 calories and eat 2200 and achieve the same weight loss as someone who only eats 1300 calories and doesn't work out. The only people who should be eating 1200 calories regularly are tiny women!
  • My best advice to you is: Take it just a pound at a time. I can imagine how huge of a challenge it must be to lose 200 pounds. However, you are losing weight just like everyone pound at a time. Come up with smaller goals. Celebrate every 10 pound loss. Get a fancy haircut or a nice purse or something that you…
  • Yes, you would lose. Why? Because your BMR is 1800 and if you ate 1200, you would have a deficit of at least 600 calories. This assumes that you don't take even one step in your day. However, that is unlikely to say the least. Most people burn an extra couple of hundred calories just walking to their car, shopping or…
  • You may lose weight at 500-700 calories but you will also likely lose muscle, your hair, your sex drive, your energy, and your metabolism. And then you'll almost certainly gain the weight back. This isn't a is a marathon. You are trying to get more healthy not more sick.
  • Why aren't you planning on going to the gym until you get to your goal weight? Going to the gym will do two things: 1) Help you get to your goal weight faster 2) Help you have a better body when you get to your goal weight
  • Your body naturally burns off calories just by living. That is your BMR. BMR + Exercise + Regular Daily Movement (ex. Walking at work, cleaning your house, shopping etc) = How many calories you will burn a day. You want a deficit between how much you eat and how many calories you burn daily. A 500 calorie daily deficit…
  • 1. You will probably never lose weight as fast as you did at the start. At the start, much of what you are losing is water and it gets shed quickly. 2. You put on weight over a half dozen will take time to lose that weight. Be patient. Keep working hard while focusing on the long term. It is not likely that you…
  • Simple question: what the hell does raspberry ketones have to do with chlorogenic acid? There is nothing to indicate that they are in any way related. You are awfully confident for someone who can't answer a simple question.
  • I googled Raspberry Ketones and didn't find any relation to chlorogenic acid. The only connection to chlorogenic acid was to Green Coffee Extract in addition to Raspberry Ketones. Am I missing something? Do you have any actual backup to what you are saying? Also, becoming a nutritionist is all well and good but I'll trust…
  • One word: Nutella. That is all.
  • Your profile says you are a 35 year old female. Your weight may not be your biggest problem. ;)
  • TDEE includes your exercise. As such, eat your calories back. You won't starve if you don't but it makes this lifestyle much more sustainable!
  • I prefer an igneous TDEE. :happy:
  • TDEE includes calories burned from exercise. BMR does not include calories burned from exercise or any other movement. TDEE - 20% should always be higher than your BMR. Usually a couple hundred calories or so.
  • :laugh: One of these things is not like the other!
  • It is a would be eating two of these: Not likely to be done in one meal.
  • :) This is why I've become a somewhat obsessive food logger. I realize that even my worst days aren't as bad as I think they are and it motivates me because I know that just a few days of good, hard work will get rid of them.
  • Yes, the desserts could have been 1000 calories. Two bowls of ice cream would be 600ish and a cupcake could be 400. However, the rest of the meal doesn't add up to 9000 or anywhere close. A piece of pizza is only 300ish calories. In two plates of food with the foods you listed, you cannot fit 8000 calories. It would be the…
  • Not even close. Maybe 3,500 at the very most. If you ate three 14" pizzas in their entirety, you'd be just under 9,000.