milliemu Member


  • Hi Megan, thank you. Yes, that would be great, I think it is so important to chat to people that know where you are coming from :-) x
  • Hi! I have just rejoined and have my first day of calorie counting successfully behind me (well, nearly, there is still time for that evil Nutella jar to sneak up on me). Would it be ok to join you guys? I struggle most with keeping the motivation going and I hope that this post could help! I have around 2 st to lose, I am…
  • Wow, thank you so much for all your replies. Feeling rather overwhelmed right now, there is some fantastic suggestions from you all and I love the hound story. So true ;-) Yes, I will fill more of the profile in and make small changes instead of doing everything at once. Again, Thank you so much Tami XXX