

  • I took it several years ago...lost 50 lbs, then gained it all back and then some I'm sure. My friend took it last year, lost 75 lbs before her wedding. Stopped taking it and in less than a year has gained all 75 lbs back. It's honestly like a bandaid for something that only diet, exercise and confidence can heal. I hate to…
  • I have very similar weight loss goals as you! I've been on here for about a month and am just starting to venture onto the boards. I would love to share recipes with you. I cook relatively healthy and always cheap! I'm a SAHM, so my hubby's income has to stretch with four kids :) I will add you now!
  • Congratulations! You are absolutely an inspiration!
  • That's great! I usually just do the elliptical, but have been really contemplating trying to run. I've NEVER been a runner, but I hear it is an incredible high when you realize you can do it. Thanks for the inspiration, I think I may give it a try :)