silver9051 Member


  • No problem! It's awful to go through this but even worse to do it alone! So any help is great :)
  • No that is a good point, I was not doing what I'm doing now as far as the workouts,everything else would be the same though. . Towards the end of the year I started lifting heavier, but not the squats, deadlifts, etc. Since reset I'm probably averaging about 2100-2200/calories/day. I've been trying to do 1g pro/1# of total…
  • Sorry for asking so many questions. But how much more should I cut? I spent all of last year @ 1750 and I stalled out after about. months. I have 1950 as my goal right now (before I recalculated) but if I was over by 100-150 I didn't think twice about it. So how low should I go? Should I adjust my ratio of macros? I'm…
  • Okay - I can try that HIIT today because I'm not training legs at all. I don't really feel the NEED for it, I was just doing it.because I thought it would help my fat loss. But anyway I just recalculated all my data: I selected moderate activity level and it comes out to TDEE 2542 and I selected -20% which takes me to 2034…
  • I do the intervals immediately after lifting. Mostly because of time issues - I can only make it to the gym on MWF because of my son's martial arts class. I'm wanting to do the HIIT because I want to burn excess body fat - which is what I thought you were supposed to do during a cut phase? Add in more cardio? I'm not…
  • So should I shorten my the faster part of the intervals but increase intensity and then increase the recovery part? I mostly just do 1:1 because it's the easiest to keep track of time wise. We don't have a dog but I do have 2 little boys - the oldest just started kindergarten today :( lol anyway, they keep me being more…
  • Thanks itstimetoeat - glad to know I'm not alone even though it sucks. I actually did P90X to lose the 30# I lost last year. I would love to do it again but I can't really work it into my schedule these days - not all 6 days/week, I guess I could probably do 4. haybales - I guessed I gained pretty steadily all along…
  • I'm pretty sure my TDEE was calculated with the same specifications that I'm using now - I'm not doing any more/less than I was doing before I started EM2WL so I think that would be the same. And honestly all I'm going by is how my clothes fit - I haven' t been on the scale in months. I have only have a guesstimation about…
  • I know what you mean. After my reset I was kind of at a loss of what exactly I should be doing. Couple that with the fact that I was lax on tracking makes for a shoddy plan and strategy and more weight gain. I didn't gain all of that weight back during the reset, but probably about 10-12 since I was starting to gain weight…
    in Confused Comment by silver9051 July 2013
  • Excellent, thank you!! I do have one other question though. After having read all that, I do believe I want to be in a cut right now. What does a cut workout schedule look like? It's more reps with a little bit lesser weight, correct?? How much cardio do you do, compared to a bulk session? I think I get myself into…
    in Confused Comment by silver9051 July 2013
  • I agree, protein snack would be best. How about some Greek yogurt? That's a little sweet too, and creamy. Maybe freeze for some "frozen yogurt?"