

  • Okay so, I don't know if they count as "non-diet," or not, but the recipes on are all amazing. None of them feel like you're eating anything low calorie or health conscious. The chicken cordon bleu is one of our household favorites, but we have tried probably 20+ recipes from there and every single one of…
  • Hi everyone! I've already added a couple twins, but putting myself in here in case I missed someone! I'm 28 years old, momma of an 8 year old, work full time and also volunteer for the school PTA. 5'2" SW: 278 CW: 244 GW: 120-140 (Haven't decided yet!)
  • Mine is a REALLY old comment, but I still remember it very clearly. In the 5th grade, when the Macarena was really popular, our gym teacher had us all line up and do the dance (apparently that counts as physical education? No idea.) When it came to the part where you jump and turn around, the girl next to me said "You'd…
  • I'm in on this one too! I'm 28, 5'2", looking to lose a total of 158 pounds (I've got 124 left to go!) 2014 is gonna be our year!
  • What an amazing transformation! I was diagnosed with fibro back in March, just after starting to really watch what I eat & get moving. It felt like a ton of bricks had been dropped on me when the doctor said I'd likely "never have a day completely without pain," but reading your story makes me SUPER hopeful!
  • I used to have my fitness activity hidden from my feed because I felt ashamed that I was burning such a TINY amount of calories and doing so little compared to so many people here on MFP. But, I've learned not to compare myself to anyone else, and to be proud of any and all activity I do. I log everything now openly and…
  • I agree with froeschli, ditch the scale! I had a week I was SUPER down because I hadn't lost anything more than a couple ounces but then when I looked in the mirror, I could see the difference Those two photos are only around 2 pounds apart!
  • 3500 calories = 1 pound. So unless you eat 3500 calories over your TDEE, you're fine.
  • The more I think about this, the more I think I can say that I *do* love my body? Wanna know why? Because my morbidly obese legs can take me hiking up hills. They can take me down by the lake to watch the sun set over the marina. My big fat arms can lift weights, and then they can keep on lifting - and keep on working -…
  • I read that article the other day and have never been more offended in my life. She says things like this, "She looked different from the rare very fat people I’d seen in Australia. She smelt good and her climate-controlled house meant she did not sweat. She was very well dressed. Her husband was some kind of professional;…
  • I am currently what is considered "morbidly obese" (yes, even after losing 34 pounds) I certainly did not get to be this overweight by loving my body too much. I got here through years of depression and self-loathing which I "treated" with binges, and laying in bed for days on end. When I began to love my body (and more…
  • I eat pretty much the same thing (or variations of the same) for breakfast and lunch every day. My snacks are also usually pretty much the same. It has helped me SO much! I have found that if I don't plan, I tend to fall off the wagon, so it has worked amazingly for me - for nearly 2 months now (with a few days different…
  • Awesome NSV! My NSV for this week is VERY similar. I used to HAVE to dip carrots in ranch dressing to eat them raw. The other day, I got some ranch to eat with my baby carrots at lunch and I took one tiny bite with some of the ranch and it was SO gross. I ate all the rest with no ranch (like I have been anyway for the past…
  • You ladies are such an inspiration! I can't wait until I'm able to take an "after" photo!
  • Awesome progress! I can't wait to say I'm that far along!
  • Skinnytaste Asian Turkey Meatball with Sesame Lime Glaze! :love:
  • My daughter tried like two bites and said it was gross (she's 8, too) but she is the PICKIEST eater and pretty much eats NOTHING I make. So, I wasn't shocked. The spaghetti squash doesn't really have very much flavor, so it just kind of absorbs the sauce you use. The texture is different than pasta for sure, but it's not…
  • Spaghetti squash for spaghetti noodles. While the taste/texture isn't exactly the same, it is a great substitute and just as filling - and only like, 45 calories/cup compared to 210 calories/cup. And of course, applesauce in place of oil for baking.
  • My whole life I have hated tomatoes, but my tastebuds have changed A LOT since I started eating healthier, so I thought I'd give them another shot. I bought these "sweet" little yellow tomatoes and...ugh. Acidic, squishy, and so disgusting. Never again. Coconut water is also not my thing. I took one sip and I swear it…
  • On days that I work, it is SUPER easy for me to plan out my day and eat 3 meals & 3 snacks a day. I bring a light breakfast with me to my desk, then a few hours later will have some fresh fruit ( I actually brought animal crackers because I LOVE them) and then lunch, then a few hours later, some more fresh…
  • You guys are all so incredibly helpful and supportive! Thank you so much! I hope my self-consciousness is able to help loads of other people like me on here too!
  • Thank you all so much! <3 You all have given some great advice. Our community center here in town does yoga classes, and I think I might check them out once we get our membership.
  • Wow! You are amazing and SUCH an inspiration! You look INCREDIBLE!
  • Sometimes I go over on my intake, but I don't really see it as a "cheat" day. I don't purposely plan out days where I am going to eat poorly, but sometimes, life happens (especially days we eat out or have dinner with my parents!) I don't restrict or guilt myself about it. I eat when I'm hungry, drink lots of water, log…
  • The Color Run last year here in Dallas was my VERY FIRST 5k. I guess I was one of those "annoying" walkers - but at my heighest-ever weight, it was a fun and non-daunting non-race to start out with! We rode the train to/from the race. A friend brought some plastic tablecloths for us to sit on on the ride back to keep from…
  • Mine is open and I log EVERYTHING!
  • I have never been able to eat eggs :( I feel like something about the texture or the flavor or something really holds me back and every time I attempt to eat them, I gag. Any advice from all the egg addicts in this thread on how I can get past it? I honestly hate being "that girl that doesn't eat eggs" when I go to…
  • I get all my breakfast shake/smoothie recipes from Runs for Cookies. They taste AMAZING and are really nice and low-calorie. I'm not entirely sure about carbs (and some of them are like 230 calories, but I promise they are worth the extra 30 calorie "splurge") but oh man, they are so good! The Blueberry Muffin one is my…
  • I was just diagnosed Tuesday and my doctor has started me out on 30mg of Cymbalta. He said it's likely I won't feel any real relief from this low a dose, but that he wanted to ease me onto it. So far I've had quite a bit of nausea/loss of appetite and my limbs feel like useless limp noodles. I'm hoping the side effects…
  • I've got a little over 130 lbs to lose, myself! I'd love to have any/all of you! :))