

  • I think there are different types of tight muscles, but if it is like a knot, try massages (done yourself or by someone else). Foam rollers are really helpful. If it is a tight spot, use a tennis ball. The key is to use deep pressure and massage the muscle. Then do a little stretching and drink lots of water. It is what…
  • I do. My boy is a Siberian Husky. Adopted him in March, and the vet said he is probably 2-3 years old. Didn't have to do anything with training because he likes to run. But, he either gets tired or bored after 3-4 miles and runs really slow. Also, with the St. Louis heat recently, I run him less.
  • Hey Vicki. This is what works for me. If i run as soon as i wake up, i don't eat. I just drink a little water. I would get a stomach ache if I did eat. If I start my run about an hour after I wake, i will have a small cereal bar or oatmeal. That is more so just to curb hunger than because I actually need the energy. I am…
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