Sqeekyjojo Member


  • Even at my highest weight, my top half was never that big as I carried the majority of the fat on my butt and my stomach, unfortunately; so I've always had problems finding clothes that didn't have a huge load of excess space where other women had something to be proud of (ever tried finding an A cup over a 36" ?) So, as I…
  • Are you sure it's a good thing? The only time physical assaults are justified in any way is in self defence. From physical attack - NOT to make yourself feel like a big, tough bad@ss when somebody makes a snarky comment. Because you might think that it's big and clever to assault another person - but it doesn't. It makes…
  • The photo doesn't work because they're doing it for their kid...it works because they want to do it, to spend more time with their child, because they don't want to be without the kid because they're dead or half dead, dragging O2 in a cylinder round after them. Whilst they believe they're doing it for somebody else,…
  • Well, I'm going against the general consensus here. I have a lot of male friends. Lots. When I go out, it's very likely that not only will I be spending my time with just guys (or just a guy), one of them will walk me home and then come in and stay for a couple of hours, drinking and talking. There's plenty of social…
  • I just do it. Still losing weight. Still improving blood results. I go out, I drink, I don't go out, I don't. Evens it out through the weeks. My only warning is be aware of how much caffeine you're putting away with your vodkas. One day, they may start catching up with you and you're so wired, you just can't sleep and your…
  • Mental Illness. Compulsive excessive drinking = alcoholism (slightly different from the physical dependence that comes about, as if it were about the dependence, people would stop being alcoholics after the first detox) Compulsive overeating = obesity I agree that the word obesity usually describes the symptoms of…
  • I first thought it was 'Oh My God! I'm soooo sorry I didn't say hello to you - I didn't recognise you because you've lost sooo much weight! You look great!'. The it was 'Who is this foxy lady? And she's coming to meet me!' on Friday. but then, the best of all; 'You're an amazing person and I think you're fantastic and like…
  • In for my peer group. By the way, has anyone else had a pub conversation/outright row about Superman's family planning issues? The problem: Superman is so powerful that only Kryptonite can weaken him. Except for with the light issue. Therefore, in the context of a dark 'place', he would need a Kryptonite condom. The…
  • Oat milk is nice. But I'd stick with lactose free milk. It's not that expensive, and there are more useful ways to keep sugar consumption down that worrying about a couple of ounces of milk in a day.
  • Soy, lemon juice and a little vinegar. Great for Asian style salads.
    in Tahini? Comment by Sqeekyjojo June 2013
  • Can you not have corn or rice based pasta? I actually quite like the corn ones, you cook them gently and they are just as nice.
  • Assume the highest value.
  • Why not just drink a cup of coffee? At least then, you get the taste as well.
  • Does having bad stomach pain when eating lentils count? Or is that just eating too much dhal?
  • Cauliflower is on this earth for eating; Raw whilst chopping it up. Steamed with a roast dinner. Roasted in the oven with a roast dinner. Steamed with a little bechamel sauce and some parmesan grated on top. Curry. Always al dente/tender crisp. Never sludgy, never pureed, NEVER turned into a rubbish approximation of…
  • I know how alcohol works extremely well, thank you. And I can separate a want to consume alcohol from a need. It's simple, really; if somebody wants to consume alcohol, they shouldn't be driving afterwards, including the following day if it hasn't been fully metabolised due to the quantity or liver function being impaired.…
  • Depends on how hungry I am...if I'm ravenous, then every single one, but if not, I'm not hugely worried about it as I don't think they're particularly accurate in all situations. I figure that if I'm hungry, I've definitely burned that much, but if I'm not, I probably haven't. Over time, it seems to even itself out and…
  • 'Go and get some other poor sap permanently injured by your stupid, dangerous routines.'
  • Aqua aerobics. Supports your weight, provides resistance, the water cools the inflamed joints. And if you can, see a qualified physio and get ideas for SAFE exercise. Because the usual advice about squats and lunges being great don't mean Jack when you've got inflammatory arthritis. Plus there are other meds than steroids…
  • I've dated guys with both. I can honestly say that it's the person and not the hair/facial hair that does it for me. The last guy I dated had a beard and I liked it best when it was close trimmed to about a quarter of an inch. However, the friend who I have a HUGE crush on, he's not only clean shaven but shaves his head,…
  • If you really can't cope without a glass of wine at a meal, perhaps you should consider seeking help. It's not the drinking in itself that's the problem (anyone who looks at my diary can see that I go out a lot with friends and for gigs) it's the being stupid enough to get into a vehicle and drive afterwards that's the…
  • Change your goals to more realistic ones. It's too much to lose in that period and crash dieting only leads to regaining the weight at double speed. I am of course assuming you're 18 (MFP has a minimum age).
  • Go on then. Give up. Eat it all. Eat extra. How will that make you feel? Sick, bloated - and still miserable? Or have what you actually want. Which could be just a little bit, you'd be surprised how little ice cream can satisfy you if you're eating to enjoy it and not to punish yourself or tell everybody around you that…
  • You probably went to the bathroom.
  • In those states, wouldn't the intelligent thing to be - oh, I don't know - not drink and drive? I like alcohol. That doesn't mean I would ever drive after having had a drink. I've got more sense than that. I would t drive after havin taken medication that affects it either. There's no excuse, no mitigating circumstances.…
  • A very lovely friend, who I'd met earlier in the day for a couple of hours, then gone home and got changed from a checked shirt and black jeans to a black top with cutout shoulders (excellent idea by the way, hides the bingo wings but shows the shoulder muscles and newly emerging collarbone) and black jeans, and gone to…
  • As long as there isn't a crotch print on the seat when I go to use it, other people's sweat has never been of much interest to me. (WHY? WHY? Just towel the damn machine off, it takes two seconds) You sweat depending upon how much your body needs to cool down, which is separate to how hard you work or how much water you…
    in Sweat Comment by Sqeekyjojo June 2013
  • You're eighteen, not eight. It's up to you who you do or don't see. Just try and maybe have an extra spoonful of peanut butter, a glass of milk, that kind of thing in the meantime. You don't have to eat clean but at the same time, you don't have to eat everything that your mother wants to have. But that's probably one of…
  • I've heard stories about GPS directions leading to trucks getting wedged under low bridges, narrow lanes and suchlike. Maybe something similar happened here? Or they got an endorphin rush and forgot to stop. Either way, rest properly. Cool baths/showering help, as does going swimming in a couple of days. And putting your…
  • It's not great for weight loss if the coolness of the water makes you decide to head for the chip shop as soon as you walk out the door and you act on it. However, if you eat from boredom, it makes for a couple of hours where it's actually pretty much impossible to eat anything. And any exercise is better for you than no…
    in Swimming Comment by Sqeekyjojo June 2013