

  • Morning runs probably would be best. It's over with early, and you don't have to deal with getting upset cause obligations got in the way( i have that) and it gets your metabolism going all day. I'm trying to get up early and go but just haven't gotten there yet. Good luck!!
  • I usually run in the evenings. I just havent made the effort to do morning runs. I did run during mid day or whenever I could grab the time when it was cooler. BUt Like CarsonRuns, my family obligations and work make it difficult to even run at night. I ususally run 2-3 miles a day minimum(depending on time) for 5 days a…
  • I'm from the Golden Triangle area! I still live in the Beaumont area. I moved away for awhile but came back. WOw, Wyoming! I bet it is absolutely beautiful with all the snow right now!
  • It could be your diet too, if anything changed. I am a massage therapist. FInd a therapist that works with runners already or has a lot of experience. I work with alot of runners. You can massage your own body around your knees and it will help the muscles, tendons etc loosen up and feel better. Maybe take a detoxing hot…
  • hips, thighs, and stomach. I've had 3 c-sections and no muscle tone in my abs now. I'm really working on gaining strength in them.
  • Hi! I"m new to MFP. I am 43 for about 1 more day and then turn the big 44. My goal is to get in really excellent shape and lose weight to about 135lbs. I've been under alot of stress these past few years and I want total fitness to help me deal with the tough stuff better and to keep up with my sweet angels ages 10yr., 8,…