outside runners, morning or night and why?



  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    I'm lucky enough to live in a rather temperate climate and can run any time of day that suits me (as far as temperature goes). I don't really mind running when it's dark, I would carry a flashlight, best to go with a buddy and definitely wear reflective clothing!

    Worst I have to worry about is the bears...or a fox...

    So, my personal preference is to run in the evening. It's a great way for me to destress and wind down...then I get to have a shower just before bed and get all snuggly and warm.

    Ahh.... sounds so good right now!
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Morning, I love when the day is new. Plus it is cooler.
  • mamato2babes
    Morning for me. Have to get it in before hubby goes to work so someone is home with the kids. Too tired by the end of the day to do it at night, and the bugs are terrible then as well. Not to mention that it's beastly hot here, so early is cooler.
  • lindy3t
    lindy3t Posts: 9
    I usually run in the evenings. I just havent made the effort to do morning runs. I did run during mid day or whenever I could grab the time when it was cooler. BUt Like CarsonRuns, my family obligations and work make it difficult to even run at night. I ususally run 2-3 miles a day minimum(depending on time) for 5 days a week. I try to run a long run 1x. I used to not run that much. Its been a progression and I'm addicted too. I suggest a light and keep mace with you. I also take a billy club stick for protection too. Several dogs on my street where I run. Running with the stars out is great!!
  • lindy3t
    lindy3t Posts: 9
    Morning runs probably would be best. It's over with early, and you don't have to deal with getting upset cause obligations got in the way( i have that) and it gets your metabolism going all day. I'm trying to get up early and go but just haven't gotten there yet. Good luck!!
  • morgynsmama
    Mornings 2-3 mile run. I run on an empty stomach, I sometimes use mapmyrun to figure out distance. Its my 'me' time before the kids get up.
    I love my HRM!!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Mornings I do around 2-2.5 miles with my dogs I love the morning runs just wish I could talk myself up 1/2hr sooner and get a bit further in.

    I do my longer runs on an evening & weekend when time isn't so restricted
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    Morning. It's only 100*, instead of 150*.
  • kaajay
    kaajay Posts: 62 Member
    I go back and forth. Have any of you run in the morning AND evening?

    Also, for those of you running 3 or more miles, can I get tips on how to map out your runs? I try to take a loop in taking streets to get from and back my house, but always seem to be under 2.5 miles or so. (I get paranoid about getting lost or needing to get to the 'loo)
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I go first thing in the morning.

    1) it's cooler
    2) the kids are sleeping
    3) it's beautiful to watch the sunrise
    4) at night, I'm too pooped, and there are far too many skeeters!
    5) If I put it off, I may not do it...
  • geminigrl622
    geminigrl622 Posts: 144
    I do both. Nights during the week and mornings on the weekend. Houston is really hot and if you don't get out between 6am-7am you can forget it. It will be close to 100 degrees by then.
  • nikknyc
    nikknyc Posts: 44 Member
    i run at night. i feel like i can run harder after my dinner has digested and i love the feeling of being hungry before bed!
  • handeye
    handeye Posts: 52 Member
    i'm so not a morning person, so i run in the evenings. on the weekends i'll run/work out first thing when i wake up (but that's usually not until around 11am). i figure it doesn't matter as long as you are getting it done - better for me to schedule runs/workouts when i know i'll be motivated to do it, and not drag myself out of bed at 5:30 when it's already hard for me to wake up at 8!
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    I run in the afternoons after work, I run despite the heat, you get used to it, and learn to hydrate :)

    Weekdays is after work,
    Weekends as soon as I wake up! Starts my day off right!
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    I've only been running / walking for about two months now- but this week I just started mornings and love it! I know how many calories I can have and even my boss said I was more alert when I came to work :)
  • danabrash
    danabrash Posts: 67
    I have recently become addicted to running and was wondering do you run in the morning or night?? Morning for me is dark, but night is hot....What's your preference?

    I prefer: YES!! :wink:

    I run when I can. I have two litle kids, a full time+ job, 3 hours in the car commuting each day, and a very active schedule in general. I'm taking a staycation in 2 weeks and i've blocked out every hour on my calendar.... So I go when I can.

    Sometimes that's in the morning after I drop the kids off at daycare, or sometimes it's on my lunch break (we have a lockerroom at work). my weekend runs are during kids' naptimes, or I get up at the a$$crack of dawn, throw on my headlamp and reflective gear and go before anyone's up. Sometimes I have to go at night but I can usually avoid it. I don't like to run or really do any kind of exercise at night, I'm usually too spent from my day, and by the time I get my kids in bed it's 9 and I'm tired too.
  • MissLucyDee
    MissLucyDee Posts: 66 Member
    I vote morning, because then you don't get lewd comments from passing drunks and delinquents! :D:D
  • crazy_indeed
    crazy_indeed Posts: 138 Member
    I have kids and a husband that goes to work at 4am so I have to run at night. I like it because it's quiet and always cooler. I usually run at least 3 miles and I like to use GPS on my phone that works with an app called Mapmyrun.com. It shows you your time, distance, pace, and etc. Love it!

    I run at night for similar reasons but, I am the one having to go to work early. Mapmyrun.com is an awesome app!
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    I run in the evening, for no other reason then that's when my husband is home to watch the kids. I think I would prefer to get it over with in the morning, but it's just not in the cards unless I get up at like 4 and that just isn't happening over here. LOL
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    I like the early morning (5:30). It's usually cooler, less traffic, fewer people and nothin' like seeing the sunrise while you're out running.