

  • Clean eating is staying away from processed and junk foods. Frozen dinners, canned foods, ANYTHING in the potato chip aisle, anything with HFC (high fructose corn syrup) and laying off the sweets. The eat clean shopping rule of thumb is to shop the outside ring of the store and NOT the aisles. In other words, you are…
  • Thanks for the input everybody. The other part of my question? About machines at the gym? If I am using something set at 5 does that mean I am resisting 5 lbs of weight. Sorry, pretty new to the machine thing!
  • What kind of workouts are you doing? A great kick start is to do something like a spin class with a kick-butt instructor. Besides a great, sweaty, cardio workout, you are also working hard from your core to maintain your positions. Add some arm work on the side and you get a good body workout that kicks your system into…
  • I'm not sure how to record the weight I am lifting or working with. If I am working both arms simultaneously and using 5 lb weights, do I record 5 lbs or 10 lbs? And if I am using a machine and it is set at 5...I just record 5? Help, not sure!! Thanks!
  • Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it. I am a fresh fruit, lots of salad, a little lean meat, fish and small amounts of dairy kind of eater. (please ignore the whole cake in my hands in my profile pic!!) it takes quite a bit of food to fill my needs. Even with my exercise "allowance" I am still under 1700…
  • Thanks so Much!!
  • Thanks for the input. Exercise really IS a blessing!!
  • Hello, I am new to the site. I have been super ill for the last year and am re-entering the world. After 10-12 months of ZERO exercise and 10 extra pounds, my doctors are allowing me to get back in the swing. I go to an hour spinning class 4 to 5 times a week, do some light lifting and am getting ready to add Yoga to my…