

  • One of my goals for the summer will be to get a bike.. and use it :P Day 2: *9 glasses of water - seemed pretty painless today *45 minutes on Zumba Fitness 2 - seriously awesome game Day 3: * to add later *to add later *Weighed in at 149lbs - not sure if I should log it yet or wait till Monday :/ I may check in today as…
  • Thanks also :) My 25 has taken some time of ups and downs... pre my time here in MFP... I started here in Jan at 153... I'm not 149 (can't log it yet as its not my weigh in day... might just do it anyways :P). So in the time scale you are kicking my *kitten* ;)
  • Boom.. there it is :) I read that it is really good to eat within the hour after you have finished exercise as this is when your metabolism is really rocking and will burn off those extra calories even more efficiently... not sure how true this is... but I always do it and it's never done me any harm :P
  • I have just done this for the first time tonight with my Mum... we have never laughed so much! Was great fun and I burned 464 calories in 45 minutes :D
  • Hey minnie! Well done on your 6lb loss!! Tell me your secret :P
  • I know all this information is freely available on the internet... but I really wish sites like this would explain it all more clearly for those who don't bother to check... MFP set me at 1200... I tried it for a while and it really didn't work for me... I need to feel good throughout the day and I need energy. Starving…
  • It depends I think what type of headache it is and how severe? If I had a migraine... there would be no chance of me doing anything... I used to get a lot of dehydration headaches before I got my water intake up, so I would drink a load then go work out which seemed fine... the fresh air sometimes helps some headaches too,…
  • *Water, 8 glasses - done! *23 min run (6mph pace), 20 min brisk walk with my Mum and the pooches - done! Lots of walking around in town after work too for a couple of hours but haven't logged that. My Zumba Fitness 2 game arrived today and I intended to give it a go, but it has been such a long day and I have an even…
  • I drink decaff tea and coffee, about 5 cups a day. I don't count this in my water goals as I still try get at least 8 glasses of water a day on top of the hot drinks. Some days last week I only drank 5 glasses of water but had more decaff tea so I didn't beat myself up about it. I agree that I feel much better in my self…
  • Name/ real name: Bekzness/Becki Goal weight on February 29th: 145 2/01: 2/06: 2/13: 2/20: 2/27: 2/29: Let's smash these goals everyone!! :)
  • Mine isn't connected to the internet... may look at getting a wireless dongle for it :) I've just ordered Zumba Fitness 2, with the belt... should be here tomorrow so will let you know how that goes hah!
  • So jealous!!!! :)
  • Pretty much failed this week! Have been travelling all over unexpectedly so couldn't prepare my usual foods to take with me. Job interviews and presentations and drama's with my niece in hospital (she's ok now, poor little bugger) have all ganged up on me this week. My over indulging was counter attacked with taking part…
  • I've just made my dinner which was Stuffed chicken breast with brown rice from the dry cupboard and some broccoli. I butterflied the chicken and stuffed with a tbsp of extra low fat Philadelphia and chilli spread with some chives thrown in.... was very yummy and came to 450 calories if you have a monstrous amount of rice…
  • Week 2 - Day 2: * Drank 6 glasses of water - 6 cups of decaf tea too... was an even longer day. * Had no time at all to exercise... 11 hours at work in the office and then straight home and out for the fella's mum's birthday meal. * Got to bed straight after the meal so had a pretty good amount of sleep.. I always want…
  • I too make lists... I also carry a day to day diary with me which I put important things I need to do in! I do this not for any real motivation... just because my memory really REALLY sucks :P I too did as you did Istnlondry, I have only lost 2lb's so far here at MFP but my journey started over a year ago where I logged…
  • Hey there, great to see you in this group :) You were one of my first friends on MFP! I still think your story is inspiring and your daily updates certainly motivate me. Again, welcome!!
  • I completed it and it was great. I used the NHS C25K version, had great music and encouraging motivation on it so was fun to do :) Its a free download, just goggle it! Have fun!
  • always naked... same time of day, usually morning after the bathroom antics ;) I am talking about weighing by the way :P
  • Congrats on your lovely news!! My sister had her first child recently :) She was told that if you are eating healthy, and maintaining then you do not need to increase your calories until you are 6 months pregnant. from 6 months onwards she was told to increase by 300 calories a day. The old wives tales of eating for two is…
  • Excellent tips! And well done mrFerris! You really shaved some time off your original pace :) My work place consists of a three room bungalow... but I do try move around each hour. I offer to make the other staff their drinks and snacks while I go fill my water glass... gets me off my feet for a few mins each hour :) It…
  • From what I have read, not everyone's breasts reduce when they lose weight, or when they do, they look more in proportion to your new smaller size so its not a problem :) When I put on weight... my boobs got 2 sizes bigger, I was always quite small chested. My boyfriend love them ha ha! But now I'm losing the weight, they…
  • Week 2 - Day 1: * Drank 9 glasses of water - 5 cups of decaf tea too... was a long day * 40min jog & 10min brisk pace walk with the dogs... it was like resistance work with them pulling my arms in the wrong direction the entire time haha!! * Will be wrapped up in bed by 10pm... no TV... must sleep!!! I love earning…
  • Great determination!! I too do that.. post what I am gonna do so that you guys here can beat me up verbally if I don't do it ;) I love getting out with the dogs, and they love it even more, its a great way to exercise! What kind of dogs do you have? I'll be running tonight with my Mum and two Jack Russel's. My mum has had…
  • Well done :D The running more than walking takes time... it will come though so stick with it :) Are you doing a C25K program? It took me until week 6 I think it was before I was running more than walking. Also, if you find that you are tiring before you should, slow your pace down, I was running way too fast when I first…
  • What a brilliant visual! Well done on your success and good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • I was wondering about this too this morning after hoping on my body analysis scale... I found this chart for water %
  • Done it many times... but was introduced to it in Canada when I visited family over there. I also made Smores... For those who haven't had Smores: 1) Get the outside of marshmallow all crispy toasted 2) Gently twist to center of the marshmallow out and eat it, yum 3) Put a single square of chocolate into the middle of the…
  • Day 7: *Zilch exercise... my legs were very sore, kept cramping at the calves again, after my long run yesterday. So decided to rest up again (SLACK) ;) *8 Glasses of water (at least)... I may have had 10... but I can't remember... felt like I was drinking all day. *Food was done by 7:30pm Two outta three ain't bad... ;)…
  • 1) Running Shoes 2) Food Scales 3) Body Analyser Scale Close runners up are my Wii Fit with various leaping around games and my phone with the mobile app... which is currently broke and I'm waiting for a replacement... hence not making the top 3 :P