

  • I agree, I did feel uncomfortable, stupid thing is she looks so much healthier and more beautiful now than when she was a model, she looked like an extra in a zombie film but couldn't see it herself! It is hard having 2 beautiful thin sisters though lol!
  • Oh also I was desperate for some chocolate so I heated one of those options chocolate brownie hot chocolates in a saucepan, added some gelatin and set it in the fridge, Instand chocolate pudding! And it actually tested quite nice!
  • Wow I used to love them!! I'm addicted to caramel snak a jacks at the moment, oh and kings prawns and guacamole!
  • It's Friday and I get to spend the next 2 days chilling before I go back to work on Friday after 6 weeks off I went to the fridge and totally ignored the 500 calorie a slice cake I made yesterday to pass the time while I'm off work I've decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and do something about my weight and started…