

  • A patient at my office recently said "Oh my God I almost didn't recognize you! You look fantastic, what are you doing? I want to look like you." Who would have thought anyone would want to look like me!
  • I have recently just started running and I love every minute of it. However it is so hard to jump back into being active when you haven't been. In the beginning it helped me to join classes, or have a workout buddy to hold myself accountable until I had the drive to really do it for myself. I also paid in advance for a…
  • I don't really have a thigh issue, so much as a "I am refusing to buy jeans now when I know I'll have buy new jeans again in a month" issue. With summer coming, I've stocked up on a bunch of cute little cotton dress from Loft that will still fit when the lbs drop. Dresses are way more transitional with weight loss than…
  • I've found that to avoid side stitches I have to run on a somewhat empty stomach.... I try not to eat at least 2 hours prior to my run. When you do get side stiches, suck air in very vigorously like your sucking from a straw, and blow air out like your blowing up a balloon. This should alleviate the cramp. Good Luck!
  • I have horrible Migraines (which I take Imitrex for) when they are full blown. I also use to get DAILY headaches that would stay with me all day, I was the queen of 3 Ibuprofen/2 extra strength Tylenol. My acupuncturist suggested adding a Magnesium supplement daily, and since I started taking Magnesium my daily headaches…
  • I think a life behind bars is far worse than death
  • In the beginning you should really be running not much faster than you are walking. Don't get hung up on speed. As long as both of your feet are off the ground at the same time you are running.
  • Passion Pit- Take a walk The Naked and Famous- Girls like you AWOLNATION- Not your fault LCD Soundsystem- I can change Icona Pop- I love it Imagine Dragons- On top of the world
  • I have worked in dentistry for many years, absolutely you can work out!!!! I have done a 2 hour stint in the gym following a root canal!
  • I have noticed that mine has reduced greatly after I began running. With other cardio it never really went anywhere, once I switched it up and started a running program it almost seemed as if it melted away.
  • You can't beat yourself up or dwell on a slip up. If you eat well atleast 80% of the time you have nothing to worry about. What good is life lived without a few mindless endulgences?
  • I LOVE diet coke!!!! However I am doing acupuncture for fertility and I was told to COMPLETELY ELIMINATE all artificial sweetners. I quit cold turkey. However I still have a cup of coffee in the morning to prevent caffeine withdrawals. Switch to seltzer water with lime. You still get the fizz without all the extra crap.
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