MissCheese Member


  • You are stressing about it too much, there are no hard and fast rules. If you are hungry, eat. If you aren't then skip your snack.
  • This is the reason why I haven't signed up, looking at the options online they all looked a little higher in calories than I would like. I did think about getting one for the week but haven't done so yet. Would be interested to hear if they are tasty and more importantly filling before I take the plunge! That is a serious…
  • Mine is open to the public so feel free to have a browse, wouldn't say it's overly exciting though lol. Definitly too much cake.
  • There is no doubt that buying fresh fruit, vegetables and meats in the UK is expensive. I get through a punnet of Rasps, Strawbs and Blueberries every other day and at £2 per punnet (marked as half price I might add!!!) it isn't cheap. Yes I could buy frozen but I prefer the texture of fresh fruits, especially berries. I…
  • I don't have cheat days, in fact I hate the idea of them. I'm aiming for a lifestyle change for the better and the thought of getting into a routine where once a week I splurge just seems wrong. I make allowances in my daily diary for things I consider to be a treat, such as healthy home baking or a biscuit or two, but…
  • Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, chick peas, beans, lentils! You can have a look at my diary if you like, I'm aiming for 30g of fibre per day plus. Beans have plenty of protein too but I often have meat of some kind for my evening meal, with a ton of veggies. I home bake to but make healthy alternatives which are…
    in Fibre Comment by MissCheese June 2012
  • Raspberries are a good source of fibre, as are fresh peas, spinach, chickpeas, cabbage and kale. I'm trying to hit 30g + of fibre a day at the moment. I also do healthy home baking using stonegroud wholemeal flour to boost the fibre content.
  • It certainly wouldn't hurt to track your sodium, especially if you are feeling a little bloated. I track my carbs, fat, protein, fibre and Vit C. As a smoker I need to take in more Vit C than the next person.
  • I've lost nearly 47 pounds eating a lot of fruit.
  • You are not eating anywhere near enough to stay healthy! Yes the food you have chosen to eat is good for you but you seriously need to consider upping your overall calorie intake which should be at least 1,200 calories a day if you are trying to lose weight but much much more going by your overall height and weight. I'm…
  • BUTTER for me, why eat the yucky substitue which has transfats when you can have the real thing and just account for it. I have real butter every morning on my toast.
  • I can't see your food diary so have no idea how you are doing in general but I would suggest trying to increase your fibre intake, it helps regulate blood sugar levels and is known to keep you fuller for longer. The breakfast you ate isn't healthy or in any way slimming. Try some porridge for breakfast with a fresh banana…
  • For lunch most days I have the following: 80g Strawberries 80g Raspberries 80g Blueberries 85g Vanilla low fat Yoghurt 20g granola mix 2 fresh apricots or another piece of fruit 2 ginger snap biscuits Easy, tasty and I find quite satisfying.
  • I plan ahead, try to log the next days diary the night before and have an idea of meals for the remainder of the week at the back of my mind for when I go to the supermarket. I don't keep any rubbish in the house, just lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, canned tomatoes, yoghurts, beans and pulses, granary bread, butter,…
  • Fruits Home Baking! I make a mean Banana & Walnut Bread and Muffins, the banana bread is 150 calories a slice and a muffin is 120. Use stevia as a sugar replacement or 50:50 sugar:stevia, unsweetened applesauce in place of oil and stoneground wholemeal flour instead of white plain flour. Makes for low cal, low fat, high…
  • Wasabi peas.
  • Can you give us more information about yourself? Are you male or female? Height? Activity level etc... How much weight do you want to lose? If you have filled all the information in on the site correctly MFP should calculate your allowance automatically, if you have a lot to lose then you usually get 1,200 calories to play…
  • I end up not eating all of the batter to try and reduce the calories & fat. It's very hard to figure out the number of calories in food like this so if in doubt I over estimate and compensate with some extra exercise either on the day or the day after.
  • Dairy, tomatos and citrus can all be bad for Eczema. You may want to try an elimination diet, no fun for your son but may give him relief in the long term. You basically eat a very plain diet for a couple of weeks and then start slowing adding foods in, if you get a reaction then remove it. You can google elimination diets…
  • I do this all of the time, I feel it keeps my metabolism guessing so that fat is not stored. I can be as low a 800 calories one day and as high as 2000 the next, so long as it averages out at roughly 1,200 per day over a week or two I do not worry. You will not be damaging your health.
  • I suffer from depression and had a catastrophic few years where I turned to food and alcohol for comfort. Gained 5 stone and became an alcoholic. Now lost 43 lbs and been sober for nearly 7 months.
  • Fish such as tuna, salmon, haddock etc.
  • No fruits are bad but some are more nutrient dense for the amount of sugar or calories within them. Bananas fall to the bottom of my preferred fruit list due to the higher calories/natural sugars but I do still eat them as you are better to include as much variety as possible. High on my list are fresh berries, fresh…
  • My diary is open. I love being nosey and checking out other people's diaries. I figure they wouldn't have them open if they minded me looking. It's great for finding inspiration. That's the reason why mine is also open.
  • Soft scrambled eggs on granary toast with a little smoked salmon!
  • Sorry to hear about your Dog, I've got no advice for you but do send our best wishes. Charlie (Slave for two Whippets)
  • Raw carrots and bell peppers with hoummus. Satisfies the sweet and savoury craving.
  • I LOVE healthy baking! Will definitly bookmark your blog as I love getting new ideas.
  • Frozen vegetables.