MissCheese Member


  • Anyone?
  • You could be right about the sugar, didn't think about that! Thanks.
  • So much of this depends on how long you have been overweight, your age and how quickly you lose it. For example I have yo-yoed all of my life, never going above 13 stone on my 5 ft 3 in frame but I have lost over 50lbs twice now and I find that at aged 37 my skin has lost alot of it's elasticity and I am left with a fair…
  • My dinner tonight is less than 400 calories and very filling, you could take a look at my diary but I'm basically having a haddock fillet pan fried in a little olive oil with sauteed cabbage and beans. I dice up two rashers of good smoked bacon and fry them in a pan until crispy and the oil comes out, then add inch long…
  • I tend to log the night before as much as I can, that way I know if I have everything I need for that day or not and whether I will be within my calorie allowance or need to do extra work.
  • I was going to suggest a Thai curry but see someone else has already. My favourite is with chicken, baby potatoes, butternut squash, brocolli and cauliflower. You could also roast all of those veg in one pan with the chicken breasts or make a lovely mash with the squash. You don't get a creamy mash like you do with…
  • I fry some bacon lardons, preferably smoked bacon, in a non stick pan, once the fat has coated the pan and the bacon is crispy add a couple of generous handfuls of kale and saute. Smashing with a roast chicken dinner and some gravy.
    in Kale Comment by MissCheese July 2012
  • A good source of potassium is green coconut water, relatively low calorie too.
  • The farmed salmon have a higer percentage of fat, I think essentially because they are fed as much as they can eat whereas a wild salmon has to hunt for its food.
    in salmon Comment by MissCheese July 2012
  • I have been as low as 800 calories on some of my low zig zag days, hasn't done me any harm and have lost 1.5 lbs per week pretty much consistently. If you make sure that your weekly average is correct then do not worry about how low you may go on maybe one day a week. I'm not advocating eating nothing but as long as you…
  • I don't think mine is too bad, don't always eat 100% of my calories but often go over. Try to eat home baking rather than buy cake, crisps or chocolate from the shop. Today isn't as good as usual, didn't have much of an appetite at lunchtime.
  • I never used to bake but since changing my eating habits I find I bake and often. I find heathier recipes of the food that I maybe would have bought occasionally and try those. This stops me from reaching from the pre-prepared rubbish when shopping or out and about. Rather than have a packet of crisps daily like I used to…
  • I think mine is ok although I do need to start adding more calorie dense foods now that I am close to goal. I try to eat only nutritious food and my treat foods are all homecooked so I know exactly what is in them. I'm not into extreme fitness so am looking at a balanced diet as opposed to lower carb or higher protein etc.…
  • Mixed salad (spinach, rocket, various dark green lettuce etc) Salad onions Cucumber Bell Peppers Grapes Capers Soft Boiled Egg (quatered) Boiled baby Potatoes Blanched & cooled French Beans Blanched & cooled Asparagus Tuna (fresh or canned) As a dressing my favourite is 0.5 tblspoon Olive Oil in 2 tblspoons Aged Malt…
  • If it isn't something that you often do then I wouldn't worry about it. If you were consistently under calories or were hungry all of the time then I would say eat them. I often eat less when I'm not hungry which counters out the days I go over because I am hungry. I don't think it is as straightforward as examining it on…
  • Seasoned pan fried cod fillet with savoy cabbage and green beans sauteed with a couple of slices of streaky bacon and boiled baby new potatoes.
  • I have a Spiralizer and spiralize courgette (zuchini), blanch it in boiling water, drain well and use that as a pasta substitute when I don't have enough calories for the proper stuff. It works really well as a substitute.
  • Salmon is very good for you, I normally steam mine. It is a relatively high calorie/fat fish so I eat it sparingly opting for white fish like Cod, Haddock, Plaice, Sole etc instead, not as high in EFAs as Salmon but still a good source of protein.
  • Firstly congrats on almost reaching goal! Try adding a few extra snacks during the day if eating bigger meals is making you feel full. I hate it when people su.ggest nuts but a snack of nuts mid morning or afternoon will add quite a few calories. This is what I plan on doing when I reach my goal, which is just a couple of…
  • Milk - Semi Skimmed Milk So - Slightly Salted Butter Rachel's Organic - Low Fat Vanilla Yoghurt Blueberries - Raw Marmite - Spread Raspberries - Raw Sainsbury's - Harvest Grain Bread by Weight Strawberries - Raw Clipper - Organic Everyday Tea Marmite - Yeast Extract I love how milk and butter are top of my list, still…
  • I only go once a day, every morning, after breakfast and before my shower lol. It's like clockwork. Are you eating enough? Drinking enough water to help push the fibre through?
  • Never heard of this before. What would you be hoping to achieve? I prefer the idea of eating a balanced diet throughout the week but maybe there is a good reason for only eating fruit one day a week.
  • Raw Vegan can be quite high in fat due to all of the nuts and olive oil used. Not saying it's not healthy just the amount of calories from fats suprised me. I went on a raw vegan meditation retreat a couple of years ago in Egypt and there were about 8 tablespoons of olive oil in the pizza base plus nuts! Quinoa is low fat…
  • I am not on a low carb diet, I get most of daily carbs from fruit and vegetables but I have cut out white bread, pasta and rice. I don't think I could cut bread out altogether so I switched to wholegrain instead and have a couple of slices toasted every morning for breakfast. On the odd occasion that I eat rice I have…
  • For a quick lunch I mix together 80g of Strawberries, 80g of Blueberries, 80g of Raspberries, 80g of low fat yoghurt and 20g of granola. Happens to be my lunch pretty much most days. Healthy, filing and quick to eat and make.
  • If I absoultely have to then I reach for The Food Doctor Wholesome Pot at lunch time or Innocent Veg Pots but generally I prefer to make my own as I know what is in what I cook.
  • Roast a whole Poussin in the oven with a little olive oil, serve with boiled new potatoes, some cabbage and another veg, make some chicken gravy and enjoy. Half a roast Poussin is only 170 calories, delicious and ready in 45 minutes. It's my favourite meal at the moment.
  • Posts such as this always make me a little worried. For the average person wanting to lose weight and get healthy avoiding fruit is not a good suggestion. Losing weight is all about calories in and calories out, doesn't matter where those calories come from. Personally I am aiming for better health and a change in…
  • Gentle exercise does help to stimulate the bowel, as do squats.