How successful is a no-bread diet?



  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm planning to cut out most bad carbs in June. I'm planning to make it a life style change rather than a quick fix to lose weight. I'm leaning towards a paleo way of eating but I believe in moderation. If I want some bread, I will have some multigrain bread, sure. I like it better, it's way more healthy, and having a slice of multigrain bread ever few weeks is not going to make me gain back any weight I lost while giving up on those sorts of foods.

    Basically, I think it's a good idea if you plan on making it a part of your life, not just a two week plan to shed a few pounds. It's like anything we are doing. We can't reach our goal weight then go back to eating and living the way we did when we were 20, 50, 75 or 100+ lbs overweight. It's all about lifestyle changes.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I am thinking of trying not to eat any bread, white rice or pasta for a month. Has anyone tried this tactic before? How successful were you?

    Sounds like a low-carb diet. If that's the case, to make it work you need to cut out starch and sugars as much as possible. If you are just trying to eliminate starch you still need to track your total calories. Full-sugar sodas will sabotage you.
    You can get more than enough carbs from fruits and starchy vegetables.

    If you want to eliminate it I say give it a try. Its really not that hard if you cook your own food
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    I am thinking of trying not to eat any bread, white rice or pasta for a month. Has anyone tried this tactic before? How successful were you?

    Try 100 g net carbs daily. Easier and will probably have the same effect.
  • debbie1301
    debbie1301 Posts: 4 Member
    i did lost 16 lbs so far in 3 months
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I recently cut out all grains. I am not usually one for cutting out something completely but I decdied to see what would happen if I cut out all grain products. No cereal, no oatmeal, no grains anywhere.

    the results so far are fantastic. It's different not having bread and toast and oatmeal, but I am really liking the results.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    A couple of years ago - I cut out all bread and wheat products and sugar. I still ate brown rice. Did it for 2 weeks and it made no difference.
  • amatxuof5
    amatxuof5 Posts: 40
    Have you tried Ezekial bread? It's a sprouted bread and is really hearty and very good. My kids even eat it. It's also a complete protein.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    didnt do much for me, all i did was miss PB and banana sandwichs.
  • DawnB86
    DawnB86 Posts: 99 Member
    I tried this a couple of years ago and the results were amazing. Not only did I lose 20lbs, my stomach felt better, I had a lot more energy, acid reflux was GONE. I slept better, was more focused and I found that my sugar cravings weren't as bad. Unfortunately, I agree with other people that it's great until you go back to it UNLESS you can practice moderation. That is the most important thing. For me, personally, staying away from it completely is the way to go: if I have bread, rice, pasta etc even once, the cravings come right back and I can't stop.
  • bananasincereal
    bananasincereal Posts: 19 Member
    I am thinking of trying not to eat any bread, white rice or pasta for a month. Has anyone tried this tactic before? How successful were you?
  • MissCheese
    MissCheese Posts: 195 Member
    I am not on a low carb diet, I get most of daily carbs from fruit and vegetables but I have cut out white bread, pasta and rice.

    I don't think I could cut bread out altogether so I switched to wholegrain instead and have a couple of slices toasted every morning for breakfast. On the odd occasion that I eat rice I have wholegrain brown basmati and I replace pasta with courgette/zucchini ribbons.

    I'm basically keeping starches to a minimum.
  • konalove3
    konalove3 Posts: 79
    everything in moderation!
  • milli51
    milli51 Posts: 33 Member
  • scardwe1
    scardwe1 Posts: 1
    it easyer then you think i've been doing it for 36 years. yes it work i'm 36 years old and had 3 kids and i only weight 100lb.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    I could *never* give up bread.

    (So you shouldn't either.)
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    I gave up bread once...I was very young at the time...15 years later it showed up at my door asking for money.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    When one's food choices become about health rather than just weight loss, then it gets very easy to eliminate foods that make one sick without feeling deprived. If it's only about weight loss and you don't want to permanently give up bread, then don't bother. I've "given up" a number of supposedly "necessary" foods that were making me sick and miserable. Nope, I don't miss them one bit, because the what I eat now is full of all kinds of great tasting, filling, and healthy foods.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Even if I hadn't lost a bunch of weight on a low carb diet, I'd still do it just for the health benefits. No bloating, acid reflux, better sleep, better fun time and I don't fart. At all.

    No grains, sugars or starches, it rules.

    Yup. I've cured a very long list of illnesses by eliminating grains and legumes. My "restrictive" diet is making my body feel ALIVE for the first time in my adult life. I'm not totally where I need to be (mostly emotionally, though my severe depression was also cured by my diet) but I can actually see the light now. If eating steak, with mushrooms fried in butter, and a big salad is "suffering", I think I like it. Give me more suffering.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm planning to cut out most bad carbs in June. I'm planning to make it a life style change rather than a quick fix to lose weight. I'm leaning towards a paleo way of eating but I believe in moderation. If I want some bread, I will have some multigrain bread, sure. I like it better, it's way more healthy, and having a slice of multigrain bread ever few weeks is not going to make me gain back any weight I lost while giving up on those sorts of foods.

    Basically, I think it's a good idea if you plan on making it a part of your life, not just a two week plan to shed a few pounds. It's like anything we are doing. We can't reach our goal weight then go back to eating and living the way we did when we were 20, 50, 75 or 100+ lbs overweight. It's all about lifestyle changes.

    I'm confused by this post. Why are you waiting until June before you try it? Perhaps you could try it for 30 days now then you don't need to wait until June to know if it works for you.

    I agree that if giving up bread or grains is not something someone plans to do permanently, then it's pointless to do it temporary just for weight loss.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I tried this a couple of years ago and the results were amazing. Not only did I lose 20lbs, my stomach felt better, I had a lot more energy, acid reflux was GONE. I slept better, was more focused and I found that my sugar cravings weren't as bad. Unfortunately, I agree with other people that it's great until you go back to it UNLESS you can practice moderation. That is the most important thing. For me, personally, staying away from it completely is the way to go: if I have bread, rice, pasta etc even once, the cravings come right back and I can't stop.

    Me too. I am incapable of being moderate with grains. My choices are: 1. don't eat them, or 2. eat them and be sick, miserable, and fat. It took me almost 40 years to pick option two. That's why I get so angry when people ridicule my dietary choice and belittle/disrespect my personal experience. There are reasons I do what I do. If my story helps even one person who is like me then I'm going to keep telling it. Annoying or not.