jkels91 Member


  • Giggles: thoughtful, intelligent, interesting
  • Hi, I'm Jim. I live in Lexington. Two years ago I weighed 350 pounds. I started walking, then jogging and weight came off steadily until I hit about 50 pounds. I slowed a lot after that and joined MFP about a year ago... I have now lost 100 pounds and ran my first 10k ever last summer. I still have a long way to go to…
  • You've come to the right place for some positive reinforcement. Lots of good people on here. I know they've helped me a lot. Feel free to add me!
  • I was doing great until about the first part of November, then I had a bad two months and put on 8 pounds. I'm very disappointed in myself, but it's time to get re-charged and start doing it right. I know the weight will come off if I can get back into the right routines. Good luck to all of you. We can all do it!
  • You can do it, Debs! Welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me. We all support each other here. You're not alone!
  • Hi Isabella. Sounds like you're doing great. Keep it up! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • I think we all have those moments of weakness. The thing I think is important is to forgive yourself for them. No, you don't want to make it a habit, but beating yourself up over a few extra calories doesn't help. I still log those calories, but for every day I'm over my calorie goal, I know there will be 4 or 5 that I'm…
  • Thank you!