bexgams Member


  • I just started this week too! I have joined it before for some sporadic tracking, but this time it's my main weight loss tool. I agree, it helps to have friends! :) Good luck to everyone!
  • I'm just starting out and did HIIT 15 for the first time...and woah! Good workout, different than anything I've done! Nice to see all of you have stuck with it for so long and seen such great results. Any idea of how I would put that in the tracker for exercise? I don't have a HRM yet, and tried looking up interval…
  • I just started Turbo Fire and I'm loving it! My friend raved about it, and I can see why. It's really fun, even though I need to work on being a bit more coordinated! But it's a great way to get sweaty and burn lots of calories!
  • I've just decided to make the switch to MFP from WW! I found I was staying under my points by eating processed foods...and I would learn about really healthful recipes online, and wouldn't make them because they'd end up being too many points! Which is crazy because it really comes down to balance, and calories in vs.…