

  • Hi I sent you a friend request :) Just to let you know, I am a part of a group, "Thirty-Somethings"...Feel free to join the group! good luck to you!
  • New month= fresh start for me! Ever since I was transferred to a different store after the big re-structuring, I have been completely out of whack due to all the stress. I am finally settling in and getting back into normal 48 hr work weeks with 2 days off, so I started back to the gym on October 1st! Yay! Chocolate at…
  • September was an epic FAIL for me. My goals for October are to get back into the swing of things and out of this funk! I want to lose 5 lbs this month. I am going to try REALLY HARD not to eat goodies while at work and eat only what is in my lunch bag! Also, I need to be more consistent with logging! Hope October goes…
  • thank you, Ellie! Yeah, the stress has been horrific,,,it feels like it is getting worse the stress! I have like a billion questions to ask and I had to go in blindly today not knowing what all gets done there daily! uggh. At least next week another manager is coming to help me learn what I need to know...I am short…
  • Hey guys! Thank you, Debbie! Well, it is official as of today, I still have a job, but I am running a different store now, a high-volume store, so now I won't be so bored daily during the off season. It's bitter-sweet. I am really sad because I love my store and my associates, but at least I still have a job…
  • Congrats Debbie!!! That is a great job! Way to go Becky! I had a more productive work out weekend so that was awesome! Friday Family Fun Night with my SIL and nephew. I did Just Dance 2 for an hr! :) Then Sunday, I swam for 2 hours and went to the gym for about an hr! I am now .8 pounds away from 35 lbs lost!!! When I hit…
  • I ended the week with: Exercise Minutes: 455 min and 3804 calories burned! :) Personal Goal: (yes or no & remind us what it was) less sweets- failed "The Tortoise and the Hare" (RMC): (yes or no & if yes, what did you do?) yes, I upped intensity of my work outs and upped duration! Days logged in: (rounded down to the…
  • I am going for Elite this week, didn't do it last week, this week it is on!! :smile: I am going with Tortoise this week! Upping the intesity of my cardio! My personal goal- well I failed on Monday and today, but from Wednesday until Sunday my goal is NO chocolate or goodies outside of lunch bag at work! This is going to be…
  • Hello All! I feel bad for being so absent lately! Sorry guys! I haven't forgotten about you! Ever since I joined a real gym I have been less involved with internet. I basically work 10 hours, go straight from work to the gym for like an hr or so and then go home, shower, get my meals ready for next day and then lay on…
  • Exercise Minutes: 318 min and 2276 calories burned Personal Goal: personal goal- FAIL "The Tortoise and the Hare" (RMC): Hare- I slightly increased my time on one day Days logged in: 115?
  • This week I am going for Elite again! :smile: Personal Goal: from Wednesday thru Sunday (since I did horribly on Mon and Tues), NO EATING SWEETS at work, the usual! "The Tortoise and the Hare" (RMC): I am going with Hare. I want to increase my cardio time a little bit this week
  • Exercise Minutes: 410 minutes and 2656 calories burned :smile: Personal Goal: (yes or no & remind us what it was) yes! I varied up my work out. Started using the Arc Trainer, swimming, and did strength training :) "You Are What You Eat" (RMC): I have been slowly cutting back on my intake of sweets, chocolate especially.…
  • LOL, thanks Sara Grace for giving me 1/2 credit! :smile: This week I think I will go for Elite! As long as I reached at least 300 minutes, I will be happy, but I am hoping to make the 360! - "You Are What You Eat" (Rotating Monthly Challenge/RMC July) I will continue to go with the goal of ONLY eating what's in my lunch…
  • This week, exercise logged: 245 minutes Personal Goal: My goal is to push myself with strength training, especially with working out my arms! check, i started my strength training! "You Are What You Eat" (RMC): My biggest problem is staying away from the sweets, especially when I am at work. My goal is to see how long I…
  • Hello All! Hope everyone's week is going well so far! Today was my day off, so I cooked some chicken and sweet potatoes for dinner :) I made a few pieces of chicken to add to my salads for the next for days :) Today I also joined a gym too! Planet Fitness opened like 5 minutes from my place and has a really good deal going…
  • This week I am going for Buff. Personal Goal: My goal is to push myself with strength training, especially with working out my arms! "You Are What You Eat" (RMC): My biggest problem is staying away from the sweets, especially when I am at work. My goal is to see how long I can go without eating from the sample tray! I want…
  • Exercise Minutes: 385 minutes logged Personal Goal: (yes or no & remind us what it was) no, I didn't do too well with avoiding the chocolate at work :( "You Are What You Eat" (RMC): (yes or no & if yes, what did you do?) Struggling daily with cutting my sugar intake. Days logged in: (rounded down to the nearest 5) 90? I…
  • Hey all! Sorry I have been MIA on here. I have been really lazy when it comes to posting on here lately. I am house/dog sitting this week, so my schedule is all out of whack. The dogs wake up at like 6:15 am every morning to go outside and that is sooo early for me! Ugh this morning after I brought them in the one wouldn't…
  • Exercise Challenge level- I would like to go for Ellite this week. I am already at 180 minutes logged as of today! :) Personal Goal: I need to make it through work the rest of this week with out emotional eating to much...this week, on Thursday, marks 8 years since my Mom has passed away. I need to try to work out instead…
  • Exercise Minutes: 267 minutes (over 2200 calories burned this week! woo hoo!) Personal Goal: (yes or no & remind us what it was) yes, I changed up my work out like I planned! "Variety is the Spice of Life" (RMC): (yes or no & if yes, what did you do?) yes, I started swimming :) Days logged in: (rounded down to the nearest…
  • Hey all! Well so far this week as of Wednesday, I have logged 135 minutes of exercise! Much better than last week. I did my first day of swimming for the summer and swam for an hr! My arms are really sore today! I really enjoyed the change up in my work out and plan on swimming on every day off, weather permitting! :)
  • Happy Belated Birthday! Your Bday is a free pass day, didn't you know? lol, or maybe I just think so! :)
  • I only logged 180 minutes of exercise this week...
  • Congrats Sarah Grace!
  • Hello All! Hope everyone enjoyed the Holiday! I enjoyed it too much, lol! Ended up drinking and eating way too much! We also celebrated my Dad and his wife's birthdays, so there was DQ ice cream cake. yum! So, today has been rough. I am still tanking on that whole going to bed earlier thing! So, now because I am soo tired…
  • lol, I feel like a slacker! gotta get crackin!
  • Exercise Minutes: 135 minutes, Enthusiast Personal Goal: (yes or no & remind us what it was): yes- water goal reached and worked on strength training more this week "Variety is the Spice of Life" (RMC): (yes or no & if yes, what did you do?) - yes my variety included riding my bike and doing more strength training along…
  • well, so far this week I am at 70 minutes...I gotta make sure I get in good workouts for rest of the week!
  • Smart *kitten*, here! Better a smart *kitten* then a dumb *kitten*! hahaha! cheesy, but couldn't resist! :tongue:
  • lol, I can't remember the last time I was able to do a pull up!