Weekly chat - July 23-July 29



  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Paul - Men's health is a great mag, another home my husband likes is Men's journal. How are you feeling other than a cold?
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    Paul - I hadn't thought of mixing squid with chorizo and chickpeas, neat recipe. Nobody in my house would eat it, though, but me!

    So I had an utter fail today at lunch. Every Wednesday we have "Global Street Food" day in our employee canteen, and it's delicious. Normally the hot buffet is hit or miss, but this is "brought to us by" some chef and it's awesome. Today they had empanadas, a plantain and yam dish, rice, etc. I managed to skip the rice and a couple other things but did get 2 empanadas. The calorie logging for things like empanadas, plantains, etc. is so wildly different depending on which listing I pick in the MFP database, so I'm going to try to go conservative with my calories the rest of the day and stick to protein and veggies at home tonight.

    I'm just off since last night I didn't get home from work until midnight and ate pretzels and other snacks for dinner, then ate late night when I got home since I was starving. Then the baby woke at night, and I'm overtired today. If I am not falling asleep at the table tonight and my kids go to bed nicely, tonight is the night I start back with running since it's not too hot out today.
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    Rereading that I sound lame about eating too much at lunch, but I have to clarify that I was all over South America last month for work so the food took us all back to our time eating empanadas in Argentina. So I got a little too heavy a meal because of that!

    Light dinner is key tonight!
  • PJYoung2012
    PJYoung2012 Posts: 191
    Paul - I hadn't thought of mixing squid with chorizo and chickpeas, neat recipe. Nobody in my house would eat it, though, but me!

    I have the ingredients in my fridge ready and tomorrow night I'm going to take the recipe for a spin. I'm going to add a little pasta though I think and maybe some extra veggies. I'll let you know how I get on. My better half claimed ownership rights for chorizo and chickpeas apparently. Don't think it'll stop her from tucking in though :wink:.
  • Blueyz82
    Blueyz82 Posts: 151
    Hello All! Hope everyone's week is going well so far!

    Today was my day off, so I cooked some chicken and sweet potatoes for dinner :) I made a few pieces of chicken to add to my salads for the next for days :)

    Today I also joined a gym too! Planet Fitness opened like 5 minutes from my place and has a really good deal going on, so I decided that is what I was going to do! I have really missed the gym. I went to Fitness 19 for over 2 years and then moved and cancelled my membership thinking, oh I'll just use the fitness room at my new apt. Well, I have been using that fitness room and it sucks due to lack of equipment and the people that use it have been getting on my last nerve! I really need to get serious about trying to tone and build muscle so that the weight will come off easier...at least that is my hopes!

    I love Man Vs. Food! Adam was at a restaurant in Cleveland, Melt. I don't think I could ever do "The Melt Challenge", which is a 5 lb grilled cheese sandwich! I love their sandwiches! I have also been to Primanti (sp?) Brother's in Pittsburgh where Adam has done a challenge. Good stuff.

    Yes, Men's Health Magazine is a popular one. lol, Paul, I like to look at the covers, myself...

    and yes, Debbie, logging everything that goes in a salad is a PITA!!! When I first read PITA, the blonde me, was like huh, what does that mean and then it clicked! lol!
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    When I first read PITA, the blonde me, was like huh, what does that mean and then it clicked! lol!

    My initial thought was pita bread :laugh:

    How is the GF going Debbie? I thought about trying it out on my son - for other reasons - but have only researched it at this point.

    I need to have my husband check out the mend's mags. He is trying to bulk up. He works for a foody delivery service and is constantly lifting 50+ lbs of food. As he puts it - "I'm getting a free workout" and he's started taking creatine or something from GNC to build lean muscles. It's nice because we are all eating healthier (except for the picky toddler - but we are working on that). Nick just gets to eat more food than I do I guess.

    My I've dropped a couple pounds since Tuesday when the HRM came - probably water weight - but with my calorie burn being more accurate I'm not over eating now. I've noticed that if I do a 30 minute elliptical workout, MFP is lower than the HRM - anything over that MFP is higher than the HRM - and I'm doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD - that was only about 100 cals over on MFP. At least there is some balance. After sticking to this for over a month - I wanted to get serious about it - so I do highly recommend it. It's great to know what you actually burn.

    Is anyone else as excited as me that the weekend is approaching!
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Toni- it hasn't been too bad actually, but trying to be dairy free at the SAME TIME has made it hard to get all my protein in, so I'm just ignoring macros for now :laugh: The hardest thing is to go without sandwiches, as that was my usual lunch, ad GF bread seems to be the hardest replacement. But I found GF cookies (not that I really eat cookies, but it's nice to have that option), pasta, crackers, pizza dough mix, cake mixes, pancake mix, etc. The other things in my diet were fairly normally non-gluten anyway - fruits, veggies, meats. You have to be careful with dressings and sauces though, apparently soy sauce (all but 1 brand) have gluten, many marinades use it as a thickener, etc.

    My son decided that 4:40am was wake up time today :yawn: WTF? He was all chipper. By 6am I was tired of going to his crib and meeting one demand or the other so I brought him back to our bed where he promptly fell back asleep and slept til 730 (I had to wake him) while I essentially just stared at him :mad:
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    :laugh: They always sleep better in "the big bed". Sometimes I think Jordison (2 1/2) stays up later and later just so I'll give up and stick him in bed with mommy and daddy.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    I realized last night that I'm starting to feel like that character in the movie Airplane, the control tower guy, who every scene is saying "looks like I picked the wrong week to quit (fill in the blank)". Between hurting my quad and massive amounts of eating out I just keep finding myself way off track! This week has pretty much been a total loss that will be further pushed down by a work potluck today and will cap out with a charity pub crawl tomorrow night. Sigh. Next week, I guess. I don't have any plans for next week at this point so the plan is to get back on track!

    Hope everyone's weekend is off to a good start!
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    I am SO SORE from phase 3 of my lifting plan. Holy cow. I think I have to take today off. My abs and hams are killing me! Who is the sonofa***** that thought of T pushups? Big fail there. Day 1 also had an exercise that I just could.not.do.

    Because of work conflicts I couldn't run yesterday, but did get to yoga. I think I'll just skip it today too and go for the 4 miles on Sunday. I think my left leg needs the rest.

    Back out to lunch today. I think PF Changs again to make GF easier. One of my dear friends who I don't get to see often enough took the day off and asked to meet up, I can't say no! :smile:

    So today's weekly weigh in, I was up 0.5 lbs from last week. Last week's weight might have been low due to dehydration from being sick, so I guess this is more real. :grumble: Mentally, I REALLY need to break below 140 by the end of this month! I hung out at 139.5 a few days last week during the sickness and I was hoping it would stick.

    Ellie - it's always something, isn't it?
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    Just a quick pop-in - Debbie hope that you break 140 for good this week! It stinks to see a gain when you're doing so much right. Could your body just be adjusting to the new diet plan of GF & DF?

    So Friday is your typical weigh in day? I typically have Mondays as official weigh in day to mentally note my weight or log it here, but I weigh myself every day for reference (and because I'm obsessive). I like Mondays since I know I can exercise most weekends and the weekdays are harder, so it gives me the weekend to hit the road running, etc. (not lately but usually!).
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    My lowest weight is generally on Friday before the weekend happens :laugh: I do weigh everyday though and record it on hacker's diet.
  • Leeloominai01
    Leeloominai01 Posts: 93 Member
    Ellie my week seems very similar to yours - it's been awful! I have a cold and it's getting chesty so I'm steering clear of exercise for now. At least the treadmill's been fixed. But I have not exercised 1 single minute this week. Plus I've been eating really badly and have sweet snacks and bad stuff in there as well. Not winning. But I'm not giving up right now. I'm writing it off as a bad week, and starting over tomorrow. I have come too far to stop now!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Absolutely no giving up! I'm just pretty much feeling like by whole summer has been a huge fail so far! I'm considering lowering my calories a bit to make up for it (don't tell the eat more to lose weight crowd!). We'll see. I've gotten pretty accustomed to the higher calories and I just cringe at the thought of going through the process of dropping them again. I was so miserable for about two months last time I did that. I'm at the point, though, where I'm really going to start gaining weight if I don't watch it. I'm normally an everyday weigher and I've been afraid to get on the scale for the last week because I feel like I've gained. Grr. At any rate. I should get lots of exercise this weekend and that should help me get back on track next week!