Lally1980 Member


  • Wow Wendy!!!! What an achievement!!! You should be VERY proud of yourself. I hope I see such a difference sometime. Your photo just inspired me to throw in an extra gym session tonight so thanks :0) Good luck. Lally x
  • Thanks guys. I'd love to try it but don't think I will be fit enough. I have soooo much weight to lose. Still, nothing ventured...... I'm just finding my feet with all this. Looking forward to not being the fattest person in the room and seeing a difference already but it's going to be a long road so anything to help speed…
  • Thanks for the advice folks. I feel more relaxed after reading your posts. I have such a long way to go and really don't want to slow it down if I can help it. I was having 6lb losses some weeks but now I'm lucky to get 3. Hopefully it will balance itself out soon. Brittany thanks for the explanations. Starting to realise…
  • Thanks so much for replying. You may be right! I just got confused when I read eat more to lose more!? What do these mean? BMR TDEE NSV Thanks again x
  • Thanks Girls. I've started a wee blog today too - I'm hoping it will be something worth reading when I'm fit and healthy and want to remember how this all began. Not sure in doing things the best way. I manually set my calorie limit to 1400 and always aim to be as much below that as possible. On gym days I often finish…
  • WOW!!! What an amazing transformation - you look fantastic! Wishing you all the best in getting to where you want to be - you're an inspiration!!!