

  • My surgery was June 11th and my doctor had me start solids in the 4th week. I have not had any problems tolerating anything. All meats, even tough meat, go down fine.....I just can't eat very much suddenly....
  • That's fantastic!
  • Either is good but if you have reflux problems do not go with the sleeve - it makes reflux worse. I had lap band and my reflux was out of hand so I was revised to RNY. My surgeon refused to even consider the sleeve for me.
  • I found some long black gloves on amazon for $5!!!
  • I can't decide between black or orange leggings!
  • I didn't have a choice. I was revised from lap band to RNY and my surgeon wouldn't do the sleeve. The lap band caused esophageal spasms and horrible reflux and the sleeve would have exacerbated the acid reflux even more. Had I been given a choice, after my disastrous experience with the band, I still would have done the…
  • I don't think I do either. I tolerate everything. Granted I have stayed away from sugar so a large amount might cause problems but I can eat fruit and other things and have no reaction. I just need to stay away from sugar! Dumping would help!
  • You can add me. I had my surgery June 11th!
  • Nope, no caffeine at night, nothing out of the ordinary. I am going to see if my doctor will prescribe sonata - it only stays in your system 2 hours and I can use it to get back to sleep. 1-3 hours is not cutting it.....I also am thinking of trying valerian root.
  • I need to get this insomnia issue figured out. I am considering going back to trial attorney work (I currently do insurance - pretty dull considering I used to be a prosecutor) and the time and billable hours are intense. If I take that path, I have to get my work in, exercise, spend time with my kids, do my PTO volunteer…
  • Well I am up for the day again. I am in a bad cycle where I am so tired I am going to bed way too early. Then I wake up early. I seem to be able to go on 4-5 hours of sleep a day at the moment. I need to go to sleep later.
  • I would like to know how you are taking into account an individual's metabolic rate (which can and is tested by doctors), whether they have any conditions such as PCOS or are on anti-depressants that cause weight gain, their height, their weight, their level of activity (sedentary, light, active, etc), and any other factor…
  • It sounds like you did a lot. That's a long time to have a panic attack. I don't really have any good advice - I have had an anxiety disorder for years and do have to take medication for it. If you want non-medicinal treatment, have you tried CBT therapy yet?
  • I have chosen not to share beyond immediate family and a few close friends. The weight isn't just falling off. I have lost quite a bit but not enough that it seems out of place for 7 weeks, so I just tell people if they ask that I am on a medically supervised low calorie diet (which is true!). I am just not comfortable…
  • well, I bought a new scale. It was $69.99 but I got it on sale on amazon for $25. My old one was from Wal-Mart. It just went into the trash. The new one stays accurate and doesn't jump all over the place so I am much happier now.
  • I had a revision from lap band to RNY 6 weeks ago. my biggest advice is make sure you are 100% ready and fully committed to changing your habits. I had the band placed in 2008. I was absolutely not ready. The band failed for me - it caused achalasia and severe reflux so it had to come out - but even with it and the side…
  • My goal is to be exercising 5 days a week on my half marathon for beginners program. The fitness director at the fitness center at work said she would monitor my progress (I am very slow) and is designing a strength training program for me! For free! My only problem is I work at 6:30 in the morning so unless I get up at…
  • I added in a protein shake. I will try to add another one I can drink before bed I guess. hopefully that will help. Thanks for the tips.
  • I am post-op and I am doing the same thing. I obsesses about food, the scale, my food scale, exercise, protein - I am hoping I get off of this obsession problem eventually because it takes a lot of energy.
  • I will probably only run the 5K race but I want to follow the 1/2 marathon schedule. I ran the 5K last year and am hoping to beat my time.
  • 5 weeks out. I am starting training for a half marathon on the 21st through my work fitness program
  • I finally dropped a few pounds! I think adding in a protein shake must have helped!
  • Well this is bizarre. 2 months ago my ferritin level was 8. Which is low. I had to stop all supplements before surgery for two weeks and have been unable to take my iron supplement since my surgery. So I have basically not taken an iron supplement since that blood draw. My labs came back, and suddenly my ferritin is 26! I…
  • Thanks - I appreciate the concern. I am just frustrated because I have two doctors telling me two different things. I am going to wait for my latest labs to come back and go from there....
  • Well, I added in a protein shake this morning which boosts my protein by 25 grams. So I shall see if this helps with this stall I am in.
  • I have the biggest loser food scale. I use it to measure absolutely everything.
  • My ferritin was only 8 2 months ago. I just had new labs drawn. My WLS instructed me to stop all iron sups as the can make you more nauseated. this had been debilitating nausea. I am following doctors orders so no, I can't just suck it up. I cannot take any prescription nausea meds. the all interact with a medication I…
  • I found my nutritionist to be a little weird. anyway she told me not to go over 60 grams of protein a day and she said I was drinking too much water. (She counted the shakes as they are mixed with water). I am getting mixed messages. I see my surgeon later this week. I think I will print out my food journal and see what he…
  • Yeah I was wondering if I am getting too few calories. I am just not hungry so eating is like a chore. I think I will add in a protein shake a day and see what that does.
  • I had revision from lap band to RNY. I met with the nutritionist last week who told me I needed to ditch the protein shakes and get my protein through food. But adding in a protein shake once a day maybe is necessary to get my protein a little higher. The diet is so hard because I really don't know how many calories I…