

  • You look fabulous! Keep going. You're worth it!
  • I started as a 44F and can squeeze into a 38DDD now. More than 10 inches gone. I would never run in public before. Forget run, I'd never "move quickly"! I used a Glamorize No-Bounce Cami Bra which was excellent, but now it's far to baggy to be of any help and need to get a new one, but since they're not available locally,…
  • Wow! You are doing so well. What a difference! I'm so impressed! You are giving me courage to continue! I'll have to come back and look at your pics often! Your first paragraph described me too. I'm not much over 1/2 way to my ideal weight, but the difference is HUGE for me, so many little things make such a difference,…
  • I enjoy my treadmill, now that I have this set up that I copied from this picture! I bought both desk and treadmill used for less than $500. I find an hr slips away doing email and fb and surfing. I have to slow it right down to really work/type, but I can spend a…
  • My small city raised garden beds here in Canada are mostly spinach, lettuce and carrots. Home grown carrots do not compare in taste to the "woody" store things. My family won't eat those anymore, but I buy them for soups and such. There are also 12 peas, 12 corn, 4 zucchini, and 3 cucumber, rhubarb, radishes and beets etc.…
    in Greens.. Comment by inzkeeper May 2012
  • I only found out by googling it!
  • way to go! keep going, you're doing it right!
  • WOW!!!! Just amazing. The pictures really show the story, though only hint at the hard work and discipline you've obviously had. I bet you have totally changed your medical stats: like blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar. Such a dramatic outward change will impact your health positively for years and years. Keep…
  • Congratulations! Strong and healthy really is the new skinny. That's what I'm aiming for. Though I'm halfway to my goal (a similar loss to yours) I feel like I'm still just trying to get things settled and organized and finding that optimal routine. I've not been tracking too well, trying to make that more of a priority,…
  • Congratulations. All that hard work and discipline has sure paid off. You look SO completely different I'm not sure I would have recognized you as a casual acquaintance! Such an amazing transformation. I hope you continue to value yourself and keep working/tracking. Every time I cheat or wonder if it's worth the effort and…
  • I NEVER thought I would like shopping for clothes ever again, but now I can can find flattering, classy things in regular stores. I'm only half way to dream weight, but I'm thrilled at where I am now.
  • Great job! 41 lb and 2 sizes! YEAH! Fitting into clothes already in my closet has been the GREATEST feeling! I also thought I'd never enjoy shopping again as I was so disgusted with the way I looked. Now I'm shopping at the 2nd hand stores as I doubt I'll be in this size too long! Way to go. Keep going, you're so worth it!
  • I think it depends on your height how much it shows. I'm 5'2 and 25 lb was a pretty dramatic change. Most people have noticed. I look forward to Easter when people who haven't seen me since Christmas will be surprised. I keep putting on clothes, and not seeing much of a difference myself, but then if I put on an old shirt,…
  • Congratulations, you look amazing! You look fit and healthy!
  • I just posted my 25 lb down pics too. I see in you so many changes that I see in me, as well. My favorite is that our arms hang so much more naturally by our sides, instead of the elbows bulging out. For me that is so much more marked (I think-but maybe yours hides a little more b/c of the tee) and I thought it was one of…
  • I dislike smelling of baby powder so I use straight corn starch applied with a blush brush. Doing that every morning prevents any chafing for me.
  • I really like the Glamorise Cami Sports Bra and so does my very-into-martial-arts late teens daughter. Very supportive, comes in our kind of sizes, and the built in camisole is nice. I think sears carries them online, but not in store. I bought ours online from the states (we're in Canada) much cheaper.
  • My goal is to lose 15 lb by Valentine's, when I'll be sunning on a beach and going out for a beautiful meal of grilled Ahi with my dh of 22 years! Can't wait! Lisa, healthy cooking doesn't have to be difficult. In fact the simpler, the better. The more raw you can eat, the better. Get out a frying pan, a very small smear…
  • WOW! You look great! Congrats for all your effort, it's really paid off.