

  • Both should stop drinking if you are "Trying". It affects both parties, for him it could make the swimmers less, or slower...or both and therefore not happen. Just try to remove as much pressure on both of you during this time....and have fun...and good luck!!
  • Looking at your diary, I would also say to put in the sodium and sugar columns. If you switch over to a lower carb count, low sodium diet for a few days you should notice a difference. It appears that you are having a lot of sugar throughout the day and that can spike your natural insulin, causing you not to lose weight.…
  • I have been there and struggling after losing 30 lbs. The best thing the trainer gave me was; how is your workouts? What pushed me through and got me over the small wall I hit was doing my cardio with high intensity intervals. I do cardio twice and day and my body has gotten used to it. Now every 3 minutes, I do one minute…
  • Depending on where you live, you can check out the Tough Mudders and ones like it. they are growing huge in popularity and do not focus on how long it takes you to finish, just that you DO finish...5 to 10 mile courses with 20-30 obstacles....so it is not a straight boring run, you have chances to stop, and overcome an…