

  • I don't know what your primary purpose is for the fasting but I can refer you to a book that I have read on fasting. Try reading Fasting by Jentezen Franklin. The author gives lots of great information about the practice. Fasting is actually good for our bodies and if you're doing it for worship reasons you can certainly…
  • First off, welcome back and good luck!! Exercise daily. DAILY. Mix up your cardio and strength training. Don't get in a rut with a certain kind of workout. Do all kinds of cardio so that your body doesn't get bored. Watch your calories. Limit your eating late in the evening. Have fun!!
  • collagevideo.com the BEST video workout website ever! I am really into the "ripped" series by Jari Love. She's a hardcore workout. Love it!
  • So proud of you. I lost 80 pounds way back when... and ended up, after 3 kids, gaining a lot of it back. I'm back on the way down. Not as far to go as before but your story gives me encouragement because our pre-weights and after-weights were the same. I'll see ya at 135 soon! :)
  • I am a homeschool parent also! Nice to meet you! :)
  • Change up your workouts, workout longer, strength train. Remember what someone told me once. Those "skinny" people are skinny because they're working out too. Perhaps they've just been doing it longer. :)
  • Actually, you burn additional calories when you are nursing. Perhaps using this site and tracking your food intake (monitoring your fat, and sugar, as well as calories) will help.
  • Stefanie7277 is absolutely correct. Let's do a little more research!!
  • CHEW GUM....google this. The chewing motion causes us to create saliva which helps to draw the acid into the stomach to break down the foods and send them on their way. You are causing more trouble using the ANTI acid medications.