Franm13 Member


  • I've promised myself that if I "overate" I'd "overexercise." I don't like exercise, but I've figured out how long in the gym working my "overeating " off would take. When I'm tempted I take out my PDA, tune in to Myfitness pal, and calculate. Usually then, the craving has passed, or I can decide I'll do the food and the…
  • THE only tme I get any headaaches is when I drink more than 2 cups of coffee. When I was eating before this diest - no headaches. With the diet andcoffee and exercise - headaches
  • I had Bariatric surgery in 2003, and lost weight until I was 225. About 2 years ago I started gaining and am now 271 after losing 7 pounds this week. Still trying after all these years.