dreamagberry Member


  • Thanks to everyone I appreciate the advice and encouragement
  • Sleep might always be an issue for me which I know can effect everything. But it's a career that doesn't let you sleep much then on days off your playing catch up. And yes I have started exercising again but it's recent . Thanks for responding hockey7 fan and sinderstorm much appreciated. And food wise I keep telling…
  • I've done well today hope to walk tomorrow and get my schedule back in line. I appreciate all of the prayers . So I'm under calories today , and feeling better . I'm going to very soon start responding to you individually . Thank you guys for being faithful to this group I feel like family????
  • Thanks for that encouragement sometimes knowing Gods promises and having faith is two diffrent things. But it always helps to have someone who believes and has faith with you????
  • Seems if the world is falling apart it's going to be on a day you don't have time for it! My new grandson was out in hospital then he gets out two days after admit my father who is battling cancer gets put in hospital with fluid in lungs ! What else can happen well I'm afraid to know! I'm a emotional eater so not good but…
  • Hey everyone! I enjoyed reading all of your labor day adventures. Im back in southern ohio, enjoyed my mini trip with my husband and 9 year old son . today Im back on the diet. I have to be honest I kind of feel ill today and im not sure why. im thinking that hard rock greasy yet yummy food took a toll on my been eating…
  • Let's get your heart into this!!! ????. I've played games with losing weight untill now that it effects my emotions , my job, my confidence, so I decided all the way this time . We don't have to be happy about dieting but we will be happy about healthier . We can do this together.
  • Hello everyone! My name is Dreama Berry and I'm on a weight loss mission and I need support. Some of my friends who have said they would exercise with me ect do just the opposite . I could really use some serious diet buddy's . I've lost 34 pounds need to lose 100 more. I enjoyed reading all your blogs . They were very…