

  • I bring texas caviar. The recipe follows. Get unsalted hominy and black eyed peas. Texas Caviar Recipe Southern Living 1 (15 oz) can black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained 1 (15-1/2 oz) can white hominy, drained 2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped 4 green onions, thinly sliced 2 garlic cloves, minced (I used 4) 1 medium-size…
  • Jess, I know how you feel although I will be twice your age on Sunday. I have two kiddos (kindergarten and pre-k), a hubby, a job and a sick, elderly dad. I feel stressed most of the time and I am an emotional eater, especially sweet things. That is why I had 20+ pounds to get rid of. Here is how I did it. I fit in…
  • Thanks for the input. I am not that stressed about it but I have seen it happen before. It is pretty typical, have a beer, up goes the scale. There must be something about beer versus other food. The scale will likely read down again tomorrow. Just trying to figure it out. April
  • Hi all, I have read several of the posts on alcohol but I am still wondering, why when I have one beer (120 calories) and stay within my calories for the day, I am heavier on the scale the next day? How can I gain 0.2 pounds in a day while staying below my calories for the day? I ran 3.1 miles and had approximately 1500…
  • Hi, I am a little older than you but I am also 5'6", was 155, size8/10 jeans. I do cardio at least 3 times a week and keep my calories between 1200 and 1400. It took about one month for my body to catch up and the weight to start to really drop off. I am now 137. Take Care, April
  • Hi, I don't think you are looking for a mountain bike (not for under a few hundred dollars). But a commuter or cruiser bike would get you around town. I would look at craig's list, recycled cycles, or a pawn shop. Recycled cycles is here in Colorado and they have good prices on used bikes. The other place to look is a pawn…
  • Stacey, I think trainers (like everyone) have their own opinions. I can tell you what a trainer told me. (Used your numbering system.) 1) She said to watch the calories. Watch your portion size and understand how much you are eating. 2) Have two snacks a day (eat every 2 hours). The two snacks should be protein based and…
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