

  • The web site here says every 2-4 weeks. and its good to since when you gain muscle it weighs more then fat. best way to see progress ;)
  • Try this website for egg whites if you can't find them in stores they last a long time.
  • The answer is no. If you want to lose weight. Your best answer will be from a nutritionist since they know the body the best. But to eat the bonus calories will only keep you at your current weight unless you are less then 20lbs from your ideal weight then you should be eating more to fuel more intense exercises/ strength…
  • Here is a some what good web site that give you a bit of a low down on many exercises. I like kettle bells but its not in there so you would have to look on the web to find about an avg. on things not listed. And you burn calories not matter what you do even sitting on your butt.…