

  • Summerblunden: the chicken is Tysons precooked chicken breasts i only use the microwave to heat them up and then eat them either plain or with some strawberrys seasoning on them. And i use them in my chicken wraps also to save time and effort the package shows basically the same fat/protien as the raw chicken i was taking…
  • thank you for the welcome and thank you for taking the time to review my diary. The eating out has been hard to kick if you guys would have seen the eating out and foods i was eating you would have passed out. this is for me my first earnest attempts to pull back the reins. so i will keep after it and take all your advice…
  • I wanna thank everyone for their posts and great advice. I'm just now realizing that no one can see my stats ... I'm 6ft and weigh in at 325 lbs as of today I guess that is why my calories are so high. Also I walk on the tread mill pretty much every day and the last three I have even started running again for 100 to 200…