

  • Hello. There's a website called (short for world's healthiest foods) that has a lot of excellent nutritional information. It helped me lose 80 pounds in about a year, and about 40 more over the last couple of years. It's only informational. By the way, I was 52 when I started, after many years of struggling…
  • I qualify as a senior. You're never too old to start working out. i'm 55 and in the last year have gained muscle mass, although not as quickly as I could 40 years ago!!! Working out (leg excercvises on Bowflex), along with weight loss, helped cure arthritis in my knees/legs/feet. I started a rigorous weight loss regimen at…
  • Hello. This community is brand new to me. I want to live well. I'm a dinosaur (55 years old today) and believe that joining a group will help make my life healthier.
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