

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy we are so glad to have you here. You are helping us as much as we help you.

    Phoebe, I just bought a bag od peanuts for our little four legged creatures. That come by to have breakfast with us. Sammie get a lot of enjoyment watching them. I bet you will be glad to get home. Where do you have to take those peanuts?

    Jerry and I are headed to the barber shop to get our hair cut. Its been 2 months since I been. Looking kind of shaggy. Jerry goes once a month and I go ever 2 months. I will never get anther perm for the last one was such a mess. I think this cut should get it all off.

    Haven't plan my menu yet. Did have old fashion oats for breakfast. I have grilled salmon left over from yesterday, so i guess I will have it for lunch with a good servings of veggies and ice tea. And a Salad.

    It is foggy outside kind of gloomy. Hoping the sun will come out later.

    Everyone have a good day. Marie
  • jeffrey71
    Hello Everyone!

    Nothing new to report on my end today. So far quiet! And I like that! I hope everyone is having a good Tuesday! Take care.

    PJ- don't get mixed in with the other nuts!

    Sandy- hope you have a good day! minus 3500 calories is a pound gone! Keep at it girl!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!! I did a weigh in today and I lost another pound and lost 1/2 inch off of my waist and hips. I am so excited!!! :happy: :blushing: :bigsmile: Thanks for all the encouragement and I hope you all have a wonderful day!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy, I am so proud of you. I too lost a lb. this morning. I never did take my measurement ti compare but if fif do iit today and recored it. See we can do it. Have a wonderful day. Marie
  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning!

    Congrats Sandy! Good for you! Keep doing what you are doing, or not doing! I am very happy for you.
    Just keep at. Weight loss is just the opposite of putting it on, it takes time, and effort. You are starting to see results and that is the best fuel that you can have. Don't try to lose it all at once, it won't happen, just keep focusing on what is working and stay with it. Push yourself and learn from the experience.

    Marie- Anything new?

    Pj- How is the trip going?

    Shar- You doing ok?

    One of my good friends lost his job yesterday. Pretty rough for him. My mother in law was hospitalized with pneumonia yesterday too. It ended up being a tough day, but I am alive to fight again!

    Everyone be well, and smile!

  • doublenickel
    I qualify as a senior. You're never too old to start working out. i'm 55 and in the last year have gained muscle mass, although not as quickly as I could 40 years ago!!! Working out (leg excercvises on Bowflex), along with weight loss, helped cure arthritis in my knees/legs/feet. I started a rigorous weight loss regimen at about age 52 and ended up losing approximately 120 lbs----no more blood pressure meds, nowhere near the arthritis problems, feel 1000% better than when I was younger. What works best for me is a mix of anaroebic (resistence/weights) and aroebic (walking, swimmin, biking, etc). YOU CAN DO IT! The docs told me point blank that my physical condition helped me get through a verry harsh cancer treatment. Take care of your body. It's your mind's playground!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome Double, What a great story you have yo tell. That is just wonderful. and We are so glad to have you here. Jeffrey will be glad to have a buddie here. You both are really into your exercise and that is great. We learned a lot from Jeffrey and I am sure we will learn a lot from you. A big high five to you. Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Jeffery, you are a true role model. Marie, thanks also for your encouragement and I am happy for you that you lost a pound. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Welcome Double you also are a role model we can follow, what a great story. :bigsmile:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Home again, yahoooo!! The best place for me to be!
    Hi Doublenickel, I like your name..glad to hear from you, and congrats on beating the big C too.
    I'm sure you are a fighter, just by the way you tell your story!!
    It's great that you have made health and fitness a 'family thing', that is an inspiration not only to Golden Sneakers, but MFP allover. Tell your story twice, or more!!
    Yep, Jeffrey, we survived the land o' nuts.. tracked some peanut skins on our shoes, but otherwise we are unscathed..we think!
    Hi missy Marie, how are you today? I found a cute website to do with adding photos to all kinds of things, free it says.. I might try it later if I get time.
    It is a rainy day here, and will be tomorrow too.. what do you all suggest for a little bit of activity? I was thinking about Walk Away The Pounds..probably will do it after lunch..haven't eaten today yet.
    Not much going on here, just sorting mail, etc. I got a new cell phone, it has a larger screen, but it may be slower for me to type on it.. it is a touch screen, so you have to use the keyboard instead of a standard phone keypad. Kind of small, but doable.
    ok, going for lunch.. have a great day!!
  • jeffrey71
    Hi Double! Good to have you here! That's 2 of us at 55! How do you like your bowflex? I have been looking at them to replace my stack machine. I just finished the P90X Classic. I am probably in the best shape of my life. I am currently planning on doing the "X" again and then move to the P90X Plus.
    It is real good for strength but is really minimal (for me) on weight loss. I really do like it and cannot say enough good about it.

    Marie! I forgot to tell congrats on the last pound gone! You are doing great! Nice and steady. Keep right going!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey, sorry to hear about your Mother In Law/. I know your wife must be very concern. abput her May she recover very fquickly. And so sorry to hear about your friend getting lay off. That is happening so much now a days. Its a shame this country got into such a mess. But it is not the first time. I just hope it don't happened to any of my love ones. My kids spend like there is no tomorrow.

    lets get on to happier times. I had a very nice day yesterday. Sammy, Calie had a nice walk yesterday. it was so nice.My eating plan was great. been eating a lot of veggies and fish. I need a nice sauce to go over my fish that's low calories. Any ideals????????? I have been grilling Salmon and tilapia.And lots of veggies. It may be shrimp today.

    Phoebe---glad you made it home. Have you got caught up on your sleep yet?

    Sandy----You are doing super good. Keep up the good work.

    Shar---Hope you are doing fine. Missed you.

    Biggramma When soes the extreme makover oin your town going to be air> I thinking March 8 th.

    Ellie---Hope all is fine with you.

    Double----So nice to have you around. I beat the big C about 20 years ao. And Have been fine ever since, No ill effects.

    Hope you all have a happy HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mARIE
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi there, I almost typed good morning! better late than never, right?
    Marie, yep, I think I caught up on my sleep last night. Jim woke me at 8am, but I just told him to hush and I went back to sleep til about 10! He hushed and went back to sleep too :laugh:
    Got sidestepped(?) is that the right word? - on my plan to use WATP yesterday. New neighbors are moving in across the street, they got locked out of their car.. they came over for a coat hanger, then a screwdriver, then when those didn't work, we called a locksmith and he came out for them. then we left to go to town.. groceries, and we went out to red lobster. I love their stuff, but I must admit, it is a WHOLE lot cheaper to go to Captain D's or cook at home. Jim is in an exploratory mood, he has tried crab legs-didn't like them.. and yesterday it was lobster tails.. loved them. So, it was money well spent I suppose, as long as I don't have to bring home a wiggly lobster and kill it, I'll gladly pay a restaurant!
    Today, we waited for a technician to come out, and now that he is gone, I'm going to get my hair cut.

    We had super terrible weather pass thru here yesterday. Fortunately, we did not have the damage and deaths attributed to the tornadoes in Oklahoma. The storms were scary, coz they 'swathed' a wide path. That is the kind that hit us in 1994, I think, and blew the windows out of my car that was parked at work. It blew other cars on top of cars, and rolled up a moblie home where one of our mechanics lives.. he wasn't home at the time. There was no evidence that he had a home at all when it was done. Plus, the drive home looked like a bomb area with all the trees snapped in half. It is just beginning to be less noticeable too.

    The hail damage was mostly south of us.
    Well, I've had breakfast anyway.. LOL.. high protein cereal and fruit. I feel the beginnings of my sugar falling, I guess it was too much fruit coz it wasn't much cereal or milk. So I will close and grab a snack then head to town.
    Be careful wherever your are.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marie, I love salsa on fish. Especially salmon. I love red lobster's tarter sauce, but I know it isn't low in anything! If you want a tartar like sauce, try mayo, sour cream or yogurt, dill, garlic, onion- (dried minced is good, or diced extra fine fresh)- black pepper and let it sit in fridge for a few hours to blend spices. Honey mustard is good too.. just mayo honey and mustard of your favorite variety.
    ok see ya!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe----Thanks for the tips on what to put on my fish. Will try some of them. I ended up havin g strawberries and spinach salad for lunch. Will cook my fish tonight. This weater can be something else . We are having a nice sunny day but a little cool. but tomorrow it is surpose to be in the 70's. That I can handle. I did a chair exercise today. Too windy and cool to get out. even tho Sammy is all hype up to go. He will have to wait on Jerry to take him this evening.

    I need to up my water, I have been kind of slack on it. But have been getting a lot of coffee and tea. getting my wash done today. I think it has been a week and half since I done any. So it is about time

    A big hello to you all.---Marie.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Fogot my glasses be back later. Gotta get my coffee too.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    :noway: haha. forgot your glasses, I couldn't even see the computer without mine!!
    How are you today? I am awake, yep, and it is still breakfast time! I'm drinking coffee with milk in it, and I fully intended to drink it black coz I wanted to get my A1C test done while fasting. Plum forgot about it in the quest for coffee!! Oh well, I don't really have to be fasting for the test, but I wanted to be.

    It is cool here, but not so cool that I can't go for a walk, I will be doing that a little later, when it is a bit warmer.

    I was reading a passage from a Joyce Meyer book last night, and it really stuck to me.. if ya know what I mean.... here it is..

    "Reasons are totally different from excuses. Reasons caused us to be the way we are.
    Excuses are what keeps us that way. "

    That works in a lot of situations, maybe not all.

    In that light, I want to ask you what is the reason you have excess weight?

    For me, I was a skinny kid, and stayed bone thin until about 23 years of age. I was not physically active in the sense that I didn't do any formal exercise. When I changed jobs, I started to gain weight, which I liked, coz I needed to gain. I never stopped gaining! Having always been thin, I ate as I pleased, with no concern about nutrition..... and....Voila!! Here I am, eating better, and very aware of my weight, but still not active.
    That's my story..
    what is yours?:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I don't have any reason that I am aware of except I have been fat all my life. been down to normal weight several times but gained it all back.In my mind I have always been fat. And I think I need to eat to keep that image.

    Phoebe---see Ga. had some fowl weather last night. It is surpose to get in the 70's today and then turn cooler again but next week should see some 80's. I am ready for spring. Which remind me I need to go and check on my tomatoes seedlings to see if they came up yet. My onions plants are really growing. Will have some to put in my salads next month I hope.

    Jeffrey,,, Hope your MIL is during better now. And that your friend finds work soon.

    Double----Hope you are doing fine and enjoying your new you.

    Biggramma, Ellie, Shar, Pat Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!

    Just read this on S.B D newsletter:

    Hunger is the feeling you get when you experience a normal and gradual drop in blood sugar about four or five hours after a meal. It's your body's way of telling you that eating is overdue.

    Cravings, on the other hand, happen within a couple of hours of your last meal. "They're caused by exaggerated spikes and dips in blood sugar that occur after we eat highly processed carbohydrates like white bread, cake, and white rice. These foods are digested so quickly that they cause an almost immediate rise in blood sugar followed by a rapid dip soon after," says Dr. Agatston, leading preventive cardiologist and author of The South Beach Diet Supercharged. It's this drop in blood sugar levels that causes a craving. Ironically, eating highly processed foods can actually make you hungry!

    The good news is that eating the South Beach Diet way (which means eating lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies) can actually help you curb your cravings by reducing spikes in blood sugar.Hunger is the feeling you get when you experience a normal and gradual drop in blood sugar about four or five hours after a meal. It's your body's way of telling you that eating is overdue.

    Cravings, on the other hand, happen within a couple of hours of your last meal. "They're caused by exaggerated spikes and dips in blood sugar that occur after we eat highly processed carbohydrates like white bread, cake, and white rice. These foods are digested so quickly that they cause an almost immediate rise in blood sugar followed by a rapid dip soon after," says Dr. Agatston, leading preventive cardiologist and author of The South Beach Diet Supercharged. It's this drop in blood sugar levels that causes a craving. Ironically, eating highly processed foods can actually make you hungry!

    The good news is that eating the South Beach Diet way (which means eating lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies) can actually help you curb your cravings by reducing spikes in blood sugar.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!! Things have been really good this week, I have been watching my calories, do my exercises and even bought a Wii Fitness Coach which I used today. It really gives a great workout but was very hard in some areas. :embarassed: For some reason this week I have lost another pound which I am happy about, but with me, my weight flucuates and I could gain a pound or two tomorrow. :grumble: I hope everyone is doing great, and that the weather gets better for all of us soon, even though here in the Chicago suburbs they are calling for a possibility of 6 inches of snow. :explode: Jeffery, I hope you MIL is better and those that are struggling with the economy, things get better soon. :flowerforyou:
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good morning.....Not much going on with me....just maintaining my weight...which is good....Went grocery shopping this morning...but only bought healthy (expensive) foods....I can not bring myself to buy things like pizza and ice cream anymore..even though I would love to eat them...but a serving size does not satisfy me so I leave them alone...

    I hope everyone is having a fantastic Friday ...:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good for you Sandy 5 lbs. YEAH!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Biggramma I know what you mean one bite just lead to another. I have been buying the lean cusine pizza and eat the whole thing on Saturday nite. That is my treat of the week , along with a salad. And still not go over my calories.

    I have been looking over the clean eating cookbook trying to find a casserole to make.

    Have a good day all.