

  • Hey there! My name is Tricia and I'm actually getting back into the swing of things on here. I'm 23 and heading off to law school in St. Paul, MN in a few months. Samoan, queer, feminist, socialist. I've done a fair amount of organizing as an undergrad and have always been sad to see people who are supposed to be 'radical'…
  • I don't have time to reply in a super intelligent way because I'm on my way out the door, but I'm really glad that this conversation is being had. Growing up with a fat-shaming mother and in this society, I've had to retrain my thoughts about people's weight and the compliments I give for losing weight. It's actually so…
  • This will be tough since my scale is RIGHT under my desk, but I'm in!!
  • I usually keep a small bar of dark fancy chocolate on me. When I crave sweets all I really need is a small bit and the craving goes away. The dark chocolate feels decadent, but apparently provides some nice health benefits other than satisfying a craving. In fact, I just had a square of Dagoba's Lavender Blueberry Dark…
  • George Mason University, I'm graduating this semester and thought I should take advantage of the free gym while I can lol
  • I manually set my goal at 1200, I started in January around 291lbs and today, I'm 273lbs. I have spike days once a week and try to get in three or four gym trips a week (mostly cardio, but off days I do strength training). I generally eat vegan but supplement for protein and fiber if I need it that day. I don't mind the…
  • It might just be a matter of asking her what she's doing and doing it with her...and then starting that conversation about pushing yourself safely. I think some people respond to workout differently, my heart rate can get to 190 without my face getting red, whereas a runner friend of mine gets red in the face after a block…
  • I'm 5'5'' and I started at 290, and am down almost 15 pounds. I actually love being a curvy lady, I'd just like a wider selection of clothes at stores lol (also that whole healthy thing, you know) Feel free to add me! :)
  • I hear you on your excitement! lol I have to do all kind of shifting around in my seat to cross my legs. It'll be nice when I don't have to do that haha Congratulations!! :)
  • I weigh myself after a workout and before I guzzle down a ton of water once a week. I have a scale in my room, but I stay away from it so I don't obsess.
  • I want to see what I can do with my body. I've seen bodies do amazing things and I hate thinking about wasting all that potential on a few too many calories and sedentary days. I also respect my body and love it, so I want to take care of it. For myself, primarily, but also for my future children. I'd hate to pass on bad…
  • When I don't feel like getting to the gym, I take account of why and then I go from there. I always get dressed like I'm going to the gym. Sometimes just being in the clothes puts me in workout mode. If I'm tired I take a quick 20 minute nap. If I'm too lazy to make the 20 minute walk to the gym I find a workout video…
  • I go to school in Northern Virginia, but my parents live in Virginia Beach!
  • I have the SAME problem haha Once I get going, all I want to do all day is exercise - the problem is getting going in the first place. yay mutual support! :)
  • I go back and forth between vegan weeks, vegetarian days and meat once in a blue moon. I tell people how good eating feels without animal products (on days I can manage) but no one ever believes me. haha Feel free to add me :)
  • I will always believe that the best kind of fitness comes out of love for you body, not punishing it because it's not what you want. This is great!
  • I started a little over a week ago on 1200 calories and I'm already down 8lbs. It may just be water weight, but it's pretty motivating!
  • If I'm feeling hungry, I generally drink two glasses of water and wait for about 15 minutes before I reassess my mood. Sometimes I mistake my thirst for hunger and end up eating 500 calories, when I could've just filled up on some water! It's best to cover your bases before you start snaking. Sometimes I substitute general…
  • I'm Samoan and German. Both sides of my family are accustomed to heavy, carb-intense foods - womp womp.
  • I want to quit smoking too, mostly because my doctor told me that smoking to damage your body to a point where it doesn't absorb the nutrients for your food the way ti should - and hell, I spend most of my food budget on expensive produce and I'm not trying to have my smoking cost me more money than it already is haha…
  • I'm a new vegan. I began with a juice cleanse that really spiked my energy levels and general sense of happy, and I was hooked. Looking forward to experimenting in the kitchen with all the bright and gorgeous vegetables :)
  • In about a week I'll be 22, I figure I should lose the weight before my skin loses it's elasticity. lol