

  • [/quote] Since the Dr gave me my wake up call 25th October and now I have lost 8lbs.... Yesterday was easier than I thought,I didnt wake up famished, and I am taking it steddy in that I am not gourging just being normal. Have done 40 min of exerse too, quick walking :) I think I am doing good So far x [/quote] So do I!!…
  • Since the Dr gave me my wake up call 25th October and now I have lost 8lbs.... Yesterday was easier than I thought,I didnt wake up famished, and I am taking it steddy in that I am not gourging just being normal. Have done 40 min of exerse too, quick walking :) I think I am doing good So far x
  • So day one of my fasting day and I have had - 2 weetabix and Semi Skimmed milk for breakfast at 9am A slimfast shake for Lunch at 1pm A slimfast shake for Dinner at 7pm Lots of water, which means I am peeing loads :laugh: I am not feeling very hungry so all good, I only have till tomorrow morning to go and then I will eat…
  • Yes Bettie I have :happy:
  • Hummm cant seem to find them where am I going wrong. Can someone psot a link please x :smile:
  • Thank you for the info, I will have a look on the other intermittent fasting boards. I dont want to make the 'normal' dieters feel uncomfortable :-)