mattpusateri Member


  • We try to eat organic as much as we can; not because we think it's nutritionally better -- an apple is an apple -- but because we just want to minimize the amount chemicals and pesticides that are on our food, especially with our kids... We find that at Trader Joes, the price difference isn't huge. We also generally go by…
  • Watermelon... surprisingly low-calorie and packed with vitamins & antioxidants...
  • I'm doing this again. Tried it twice before and always fell a little short... A couple years ago I peaked at 82 straight, but didn't get beyond that... Back to square one now, starting from Week 3... I love that this is now very app-friendly and easier to do that before... Good luck to everyone else trying this... Be…
  • Ding-ding-ding! Here's the winner...
  • I totally do this. Helps take the guilt away. Last time I visited the in-laws they had some ridiculous chocolate chip cookies I knew I'd want at 11pm... So I made sure to take an extra long 45 minute walk with the dog that night to cover the calories I knew I'd be taking in later that night... When I finally had it, it was…
  • I second the endorsement of Stevia. It's natural and you can get it at Trader Joes. Zero calories. No mysterious laboratory chemicals. I think it tastes great, though my wife disagrees. I use it in my daily coffee guilt-free...
  • Just be direct. Guys can reading being ignored in many ways, not many of them good. Instead, be straightforward, but casual. I agree with the other guys who said that we tend to be clueless and miss a lot of hints from women. We also waste a lot of our brainpower thinking about stuff like football, video games, and poker…