EinTX Member


  • I make with one frozen banana, 4 oz of milk., 4 oz of frozen berries and a couple of packets of Splenda. It tastes like a sherbet/ice cream blend and is very good. I don't notice the banana taste but to be safe you could just use 1/2. I always put my over ripe bananas in the freezer so I have them on hand for this desert…
  • Good ideas. Thx.
  • Very Sad. So very sorry.
  • Terrell
    in DFW Comment by EinTX February 2013
  • I had to cut out all refined carbs, sugar, flour, etc. Once it got out of my system the cravings went away. I substitute with almonds when I need something to munch on. I can't eat all I want but I can have about 20 of them. Eaten one at a time they satisfy the crunch without triggering a sugar craving. PS you really have…
  • I am 61 and My pack contains 4 dogs. Peanut a fawn pug, Ebony my little black pug, Reyna my daughter's brindle boxer and Levi a lab pit mix someone abandoned.
  • During the week I rely on greek yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast. I may or may not have fruit with them them. If I'm being efficient I will fix mini cheese cakes in a muffin tin or homemade bran muffins. I grab a couple of these and have with a cup of coffee in the morning when I'm organized. Weekends I usually fix…
    in Breakfast Comment by EinTX February 2013
  • I thought about getting it on video but that just distracts him and then he wants to play with us. I have a rug under the water dispenser and it catches a lot of the mess but I am going to need to find a larger one. I can totally picture your lab standing in his water dish, if Levi accidentally steps in the water dish he…
  • I like to add some green onion and bell pepper let it refrigerate for a few hours then enjoy. Mmmm. It works well to pack it for lunch before work then the flavors have time to blend by lunch time.
  • Try both of them out and get the one you like the best. I have an eliptical now because of my knees but I find it pretty boring and I really have to push myself to use it but I will keep playing around with it until I figure the best way to "play" with it for me. I have had several treadmills over the years beginning with…
  • Helpful
  • Wow. Thank you so much for sharing this.
  • Search their personality traits online and make sure that there personality is a match for you. Both Frenchies and English Bulldogs are adorable but if they don’t match your personality then down the road you are not going to enjoy having one. I know as cute as pugs are (well in my eyes they are cute), they love to cuddle…
  • If I could only have one fierce of equipment it would be my fitness ball. There are so many ways to use it and it is just fun.
  • Low fat, carb and calorie Cheesecake Cups Ingredients 1 - 8oz package of softened low fat cream cheese 1- 8 oz. package of softened FAT free cream cheese 1/4 cup splenda 1/2 tsp vanilla 1/2 c eggbeaters ps... can use DaVinci syrups in place of splenda to chg up the taste Directions Preheat oven to 350 line a cupcake pan of…
  • Words are so inadequate right now.
  • They really are cute. I saw a guy with a Mini Mini once in his back pack and it was full grown. Adorable little thing.
  • This sounds really good. I use Rutabagas to replace potatoes in stews and pot roasts too and they are so very good.
  • I have to agree with everyone else, I usually plan my dinner so I have leftovers for lunch the next day. If I don't have leftovers than lunch is uaually 4 oz of cottage cheese and some veggies.
  • This is almost exactly what I have experienced and the approach I have taken to control my numbers.
  • I am in the same boat. 12 hour shift + 8 hours sleep + 2 hours commute + 1 hour getting dressed in the morning = 1 hour for packing lunches, cooking supper, dishes, and working out. I do get a full hour for lunch most days and I usually pack my lunch so I usually circuit train in a stairwell. There is one that leads to the…
  • That is what I had for lunch today minus the walnuts. I had a hand full of almonds for my morning break instead.
  • You are so correct on the over-breeding, I hate to see any one breed all of sudden become too popular. I like the idea of breeding to allow people to better match up the personality of a dog with their own. For example, if you don't have the time or space to make sure a border collie gets the exercise they need you are…
  • The stray that was dropped in front of our house is part Pit. I wouldn't have chosen to have one because I really usually lean towards very passive dogs. (Pugs just lay around, more my style) but Levi adopted me and he has a home as long as I have anything to say about it. We think he is a lab/pit cross. The vet office…
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 4 oz cottage cheese 1 cup cold brewed coffee Spends and ice to taste Cold brewed coffee 1 pound coffee 1 gallon water Mix & put in frig for 24 hours Strain through cheese cloth. This makes a really smooth coffee concentrate.
  • Thx for asking this, I have been doing really well during the day but my morning numbers are always high. This post gives me good ideas on what to try.
  • I couldn’t agree more. It really is liberating to not feel hungry or guilty any more. 10-12 almonds really help me if I'm feeling a little hungry before my next meal. I have to be careful though, they can also curb my appetite so well that I'm not hungry when dinner is ready.
  • First Whole almonds, the crunch is hard enough that it will satisfy that need before you overdo it too much. Second, Pork Rinds. They are high in calories but no carbs and they satisfy that salty crispy desire. They are dry, so I don't typically overdo it too much. I will also cut a cheese stick into six slices and…