

  • I was under the impression from reading many posts here that you need to burn the fat that's covering your abs first before you start toning them.
  • Hi I am in a similar situation. I'm 33 and 5'4". I started off at 152 lbs in Jan and i'm on 135 now.. My intake is set at 1300 as per recommended guidelines to lose 1lb a week. I am losing more though. You can have a look at my diary. I do not starve myself but I do not eat back my exercise calories very often either. you…
  • Thank you all for your suggestions:) Not joining the gym is purelly due to lack of time and finances but by gathering all your suggestions I should be able to come up with a homemade method. I used to have well build stomach muscles ( you could call it a six pack) about 6 years ago so I am hopeful that once more weight…
  • 11 deg Celsius I wasn't well and did not run for about a week. I was just getting back to my routine and unlike normally I've left my sweatshirt on. I 've sweated a lot more than I normally would so the question just crept up in the back of my head. Thank you all those that answered:)