

  • I strongly suggest getting a Wii, I use mine nearly everyday, I have the Wii Fit games with the balance board, they exercisers don't seem very hard but pretty soon you'll be sweating so its fun exercise which is the best in my opinion, I've got the Just Dance games, you can choice to do a workout or pick songs to dance to…
  • I have been to town today and brought a swimming costume :s Faith, I'm so sorry to hear that, the crutches were the worst for me but it was my wrist that took most of the pain, I was non weightbearing for 2 months (not as bad as you Lee) so I was hopping round the flat rather than using the crutches which I don't suggest…
  • Aww that quote is lovely thank you (",) I live in Jersey in the UK (don't worry, even people in the UK think I'm from america lol) I've tried yoga but I find it a bit boring and I need to enjoy something to stick at it, I have a resistance band which i'm using to strenghen up my calf muscle, once the cast came off my leg…
  • Hi I'm from Jersey (UK version not america lol) Feel free to add me coz I could do with a load of support too :p
  • Haven't even been a member of this site for an hour yet and have already had sooo much help, advice and support, thank you all so much. Most of you have suggested swimming so i'm going to go out tmrw and buy a swimming costume, I usally swim in the sea coz I can wear shorts and vest top but its a bit to cold at the moment,…
  • Haha yes that was stern enough thanks :p I live in Jersey which is a small island so have no excuse not to go swimming, I live 2 minutes away from the beach. I used to do zumba before the acciddent but can't do that just yet but Wii fit, Just Dance and The Biggest loser are a big help at the moment. I might ask my bloke to…