infallible Member


  • I make my breakfast sandwiches (100 cal bagel thin, 2% cheese, meat of some type) for the week on Sunday. Then, each night before bed, I'll make my eggs and put those on the sandwich I'm taking the next day. 30 sec in the microwave to heat it all up next morning and I'm out the door. :) Oh and I make my eggs (3T of egg…
  • Oh girl, you are so cute! I understand wanting to have less fat moving when you're dancing (I'm like twice your size and not even ready to unveil my belly). At the same time I have to say, when watching other belly dancers, especially the tribal ones, I tend to find my eyes drawn to the larger dancers cause their moves…
  • Do you have iTunes? There is a podcast out there called "Bellydance Revolution" that put together a bunch of playlists of songs for various things and turned them into podcasts that are free to download. They have one called "Drills & Skills" thats got some good songs on it (it's like 25 min long). Unfortuately I can't…
    in Music Comment by infallible January 2012
  • Since I'm doing Tribal I OF COURSE love Beats. I'm also really digging on Balkan Beat Box & Corvus Corvax. Belly dancing + Bag Pipes = a big ol happy geeky me. :bigsmile:
    in Music Comment by infallible January 2012
  • I believe their style is Cabaret. At least their dress leads me to believe they are. If there are any classes in your area you should look into taking them. I've found that belly dance is all ages, all sizes friendly and they don't make you perform in front of people, they ask if you'd like to. I did my first one a few…
  • Hello all. I'm Carolynn. My dance history is a few months of cabaret 5-ish years ago and I just started classes of Intro Belly (taught by tribal dancers) back in Aug 11. I'm currently in an intermediate / improve tribal class on Mon and I'm retaking the Intro class on Thur. I haven't been to any workshops yet... truth is…
  • I know by now it's a bit "old school" but I used to do those walking dvd's and sometimes still when I'm cooped up cause of the weather, I'll jump up and walk my way through the commercials. I also do that when I can't find the remote to change the channel during commericals. A not so "fun" (at least not to me, it kicks my…