

  • Hi and welcome! Hope you are having a good week!!! :)
  • Great job! Way to get out there and exercise!!!!
  • GREAT JOB!!!!! I didn't lose anything this past week. I was kinda bummed, but I do feel like I've lost inches. It's weird how that works! :) Hope you have another good week!!!
  • They taste good, but they upset my stomach!!
  • Hi there! I am doing the regular BFC. I tried the Fast Track but I like to workout and for me, I need more carbs than the fast track allows. I've been on it for 3 weeks and I'm down 10 lbs.
  • You are truly an inspiration to people!!! You should be so proud at what you have accomplished and how you have not only changed your body, but your perspective on life and health!!!! Good luck on your continuing journey. I have no doubt you will be successful!!!!! Hugs!
  • Perfect! Thanks!
  • I just pulled up some of the cauliflower pizza crust recipes to try. Which one do you use?
  • Hi ~ The fast track is NOT for me! lol I love to workout and on that few carbs I just can't. I've tried it a couple of times. This time, however, I am going to do a lot less than 120 carbs a day. I'm going to shoot for 50-75 and see how that works with my exercise and go from there.
    in Hi Comment by lovelymamu January 2012
  • For dinner just try chicken or steak and a veggie or salad. I know it's going to have a few carbs, but it's better than 40. :wink:
    in Hi Comment by lovelymamu January 2012
  • I there! One thing I learned is that I can't go too low on my carbs or I don't feel very good and I struggle during workouts. I've found that making my last meal a no -carb meal also helps with the weight loss. I also follow and and that helps me stay focused on what I need to do.…
    in Hi Comment by lovelymamu January 2012