Jorge's interval training - coaching audio

I tried out the 20min interval walk this morning with the downloadable audio from Jorge's website.

I have to say it made me walk taller, stronger and with a smile on my face. And I really pushed myself!


  • Great job! Way to get out there and exercise!!!!
  • LoLoLaBangBang
    LoLoLaBangBang Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks, I had a great time! Mums gonna do it with me tomorrow morning :)
  • Can you share the link to this audio file, I have never been able to find it. Thanks, looking forward to trying it for myself. How are you and your mum doing on the plan? I tried the link to your blog but it didn't seem to work....maybe you can repost it if you are still doing a blog.

  • LoLoLaBangBang
    LoLoLaBangBang Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry I'm so late at getting back to you.

    I have changed the blog to - I figured a shorter site would make it easier to remember and MAMA stands for 'Mum And Me And' figured that way it was all an acronym too.

    And he's taken the coaching audio down now unfortunately, I'll try to find a way to upload it somewhere for you online if you like?
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    My FREE Walking Audio

    Many clients have asked me if exercise is essential to true weight loss. The answer might surprise you. In truth, exercise is not necessary to cure belly fat. However, exercise can accelerate your results and give you more energy. That's why I'm giving you my Week 1 Walking Audio FREE. Simply download the audio file by clicking the link below and sync it with your MP3 player.