

  • That sounds really good. I'm going to have to try it. I found this recipe in a magazine for those of you that are in a hurry. You take 2 eggs, 2 tbsp of lowfat milk, and 2 tbsp of grated cheddar cheese (I use the weight watchers lowfat). You put them into a coffee cup or bowl then microwave for 45 seconds. Stir and…
  • I haven't seen any updates. How are you doing on C25K? I finished Week 3 last week and start on Week 4 next week. So nervous.
  • :noway: :noway: I just started the C25K program this week. I'm on day 3 Week 1. My husband is a triathlon competitor and he keeps asking me to try a 5K. He thinks I can do it. I think I am going to try after I finish this program. I'm nervous, but I know exactly how you feel.
  • I just started this program yesterday. My husband is a triathlon competitor, and he has been trying to get me to do this program for awhile. Made the first day. Just hope that I can stick with it.
  • I'm new too. I'm looking forward to using this website. It seems like there is a lot here. I'm trying to lose about 100 pounds so ill probably b around awhile.