c25k friends- TONIGHT!



  • Today was day 2 for me. It went great.
  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    Finished C25k last week and its a awesome program! I would recommend learning the proper stretches to avoid injury setbacks. Also, learn to breathe with your belly and not your chest, it doesn't matter if its through your nose, mouth or both. I'm bridging to 10k now!
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    I am on week 2 day 1 but this is my second time doing it....I completed all 9 weeks of it last year and it was great. The one tip I can give is when you start the 3 to 30 min jogs make sure you focus on your breathing....Make a cadence in your head and breath in and out to that....I had to learn that one the hard way. Also when you start the longer jogs make sure to bring music it gets boring lol. Good luck
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i'm hoping to start this week (although i just started body revolution 7 day kickstart so i might have to push it)
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    2morrow is day 2 for me

    me too! well kinda :P I completed week1 and week2 day 1 about 3 weeks ago but pushed TOO hard and got a terrible shin splint, i had to take some serious time off :( But the good news is Ive started back up again! Decided to repeat every week to avoid pushing too hard too fast.

    Thats my advice, if you need to repeat a week dont be affraid to do so! take it easy but push thru the initial frustration. I always feel ridiculously fantastic the day after a run ^_^
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    Finished C25k last week and its a awesome program! I would recommend learning the proper stretches to avoid injury setbacks. Also, learn to breathe with your belly and not your chest, it doesn't matter if its through your nose, mouth or both. I'm bridging to 10k now!

    Awesome!!! I need some inspiration. lol I am doing my second round of c25k because I was so lost on the running thing during the winter. lol
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    I start W4 tonight. 18 minutes total of jogging. Now THAT is scary.
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
    I completed the program twice. I did not do much running after I finished the first time and dpretty much had to start from scratch. The second time, I signed up for a 5k in my area at the end of week 9. My goal was to just complete it without walking and I did it!

    Seven months later, I have completed around a dozen races since then. I am still slow, but I get there. I am now training for my first half marathon in October.

    Good luck, repeat weeks if you feel you need to, and have a goal in mind for after you finish and HAVE FUN with it!!!
  • classic_1
    classic_1 Posts: 147
    I did week 1 day 1 one day.. Not feeling to bad, so I plan on doing week one day two tomorrow morning.

    Forgot to mention.. I have the Simple C25K app for Android.. and it is the best. Beeps when you need to run, beeps when you need to walk and you can listen to your own music.

    I use that 2...week 1 day 2 for me 2morrow as well.
  • aashorn
    aashorn Posts: 9
    :noway: :noway: I just started the C25K program this week. I'm on day 3 Week 1. My husband is a triathlon competitor and he keeps asking me to try a 5K. He thinks I can do it. I think I am going to try after I finish this program. I'm nervous, but I know exactly how you feel.
  • aashorn
    aashorn Posts: 9
    I haven't seen any updates. How are you doing on C25K? I finished Week 3 last week and start on Week 4 next week. So nervous.