

  • The figure of 1230 is the figure that MFP said I should consume to lose the recommended 1lb per week. Congrats on your loss!!
  • 1730 to maintain.
  • My BMR is 1382 and to maintain my current weight I need to consume 1730 according to MFP. I wasn't counting cals before so I would guess that I was having around 2000 or possibly more a day. The thing is that my diet has always been healthy - ie I don't take sugar, or eat sweets or any sort of junk food. I don't really…
  • Thanks for the advice. Good point - I am very routine orientated so I find myself eating the same things/meals (because I know their cals) and go to the same gym classes every week. I read on one of these threads that you should under and overeat your cals and try different foods to 'trick' your body and keep it working…
  • Most of what I do is cardio, although I do 2 toning sessions a week - each are about 45 mins or so. I try to keep withing the 1230 allowance, so on the days that I exercise I have cals left over (allowance plus exercise cals). On days that I don't work out I still try to stick to the 1230 - ie I don't eat what I had left…
  • My calorie intake and workout plan is very different to what is was before I started. Before I would eat whatever I wanted (within reason of course) but I wasn't bothered about the calories. I hadn't been exercigins for about 8 months either. So with limiting my calorie intake and upping the exercise (from nothing) I…
  • Thanks - done: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/114567-in-the-healthy-weight-range-but-want-to-tone-and-trim-help
  • I have exactly the same issue, I am exercising 4 times a week (each time burning about 450 to 650 calories). I kep track of everything that I eat or drink and my allowance is 1230 cals a day. On the days that I exercise I have cals left over as I don't manage to eat up the exercise cals, on the days that I don't exercise…