

  • eat the bulk of your carbs in the A.M. then after lunch stick to lean proteins and veggies. This is very effective because you need the energy early on and you are likely to be more active during this time frame.
  • Lose it fast... Gain it back faster...
  • I to am a short female 5 foot 0, and 129lbs (down from 137 when I started in Jan). I fully agree with the post from Maria. She's right on about the food breakdown, 40,40,30. Try to eat every 3 hours at least. Also try adding more weight lifting into your routine. 20 minutes 3 days a week is not enough to do your body much…
  • For an active woman trying to achieve lean muscle mass, the rule is 1gm per pound of body weight. Muscles love protein, but in excess- a calorie is a calorie and if not used can be stored as fat.
    in Protein Comment by girth March 2009
  • Do your resistance training before cardio. You will then burn the glycogen/carbohydrate stores first so that when you do your cardio you tap into fat. Plus you will have more energy for lifting vs. steady state and/ or interval cardio.