Sooooo ready to &*^%&(#!!!! quit!!

Many of you have probably read a few posts from me about not losing a pound yet (since the beginning of February) and I am feeling like I am ready to give up! I have nothing to be proud of as far as results go:sad: I even took my measurements hoping that I lost inches due to the fact I started weight lifting 3x a no avail! NO CHANGES!!!! RRRRRrrrrrrr!!! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow...any suggestions on what to ask my doctor regarding weight loss? She has already run blood tests to check for thyroid issue- and I have no problems, everything came back normal. I feel like I'm freakin' destined to be fat!!:sad: I really am very sad- not just complaining. I have been on the border of healthy and overweight for years now and feel uncomfortable in my own skin every me, please!


  • happyhubbard
    Many of you have probably read a few posts from me about not losing a pound yet (since the beginning of February) and I am feeling like I am ready to give up! I have nothing to be proud of as far as results go:sad: I even took my measurements hoping that I lost inches due to the fact I started weight lifting 3x a no avail! NO CHANGES!!!! RRRRRrrrrrrr!!! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow...any suggestions on what to ask my doctor regarding weight loss? She has already run blood tests to check for thyroid issue- and I have no problems, everything came back normal. I feel like I'm freakin' destined to be fat!!:sad: I really am very sad- not just complaining. I have been on the border of healthy and overweight for years now and feel uncomfortable in my own skin every me, please!
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    not to be nosy but how tall are u and what do u weigh?
  • happyhubbard
    5'2" (very small boned) 135 pounds
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    How many calories are you eating?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm interested to know the following:

    number of workouts per week/time spent

    I had myself set as "sedentary" because i sit on my butt all day as a teacher, but it was not allowing me to lose any weight and I was plateau'd for a month. then I readjusted to "lightly active" (read: I increased my calories) and BOOM! five pounds lost.

    maybe your settings are not appropriate for you- anyway, to give any kind of advice, we need these details-
  • happyhubbard
    1200 calories/day
    I eat all of my exercise calories
    Workout cardio for 40 mins/day (5-6 times/week)
    Weightlifting for 20 mins. (3 times/week)
    I am 25 years old, 5'2", and 135 pounds with a goal weight of 110 pounds.

    Oh and I am a kindergarten teacher- I have set my activity to sedentary also, even though I am probably "lightly active"
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I agree with Lucky, maybe you aren't eating enough.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Many of you have probably read a few posts from me about not losing a pound yet (since the beginning of February) and I am feeling like I am ready to give up! I have nothing to be proud of as far as results go:sad: I even took my measurements hoping that I lost inches due to the fact I started weight lifting 3x a no avail! NO CHANGES!!!! RRRRRrrrrrrr!!! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow...any suggestions on what to ask my doctor regarding weight loss? She has already run blood tests to check for thyroid issue- and I have no problems, everything came back normal. I feel like I'm freakin' destined to be fat!!:sad: I really am very sad- not just complaining. I have been on the border of healthy and overweight for years now and feel uncomfortable in my own skin every me, please!

    Are you doing any cardio? Weight lifting isnt going to shed pounds like cardio but it will increase muscle which is also good but Im not sure its what your seeking according to your post...are you watching your sodium intake? there is a lot more to it than just watching could be numerous reasons but please remember if you truly are eating healthy and excercising on a regular basis up just because your exterior hasnt changed would be a big mistake...your doing more good than you know ...we just dont see the instant results of what goes on inside...Good luck...wrote the above before I saw your response...actually your only 4lbs away from a normal BMI 104-131lbs is normal for a 5ft2in person....if your going by MFP's BMI it is slightly off in the 110 just a number you chose or is there some actual reason for wanting to be 110?...perhaps go with a toned and trim 130...toning will take a while but it may be your best bet
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    Okay, if you have been true to your 1200 calorie a day diet and exercises 5-6 days a week, there is no reason why you shouldn't lose weight! So, here's the only problems I could see:

    1) You may be reducing your calories, but maybe still eating foods that are high in fats and sugars.

    2) You are not eating breakfast and splitting your meals into appropriate intervals of time. Fasting through the day and eating the majority of your calories at night?

    3) If you are exercising so much and eating your exercise calories, it's possible the numbers that you have for exercise calorie burn are wrong. You may need to invest in a heart rate monitor to more accurately judge how many calories you burn during your normal exercise routine.

    Those are my only ideas. Good luck and don't give up hope, though I am sure it's frustrating!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I think you should be lightly active.
    I also think you should set your goals to 1 lb/week, any more than that would be too aggressive. You aren't obese, anybody who is obese can set their goals for 2 lbs/week, but girls like you should be aiming at 1 lb/week.

    also realize you are very close to your goal weight. it may not feel like it to you, but realize we have members (myself included) who have 50-60-...-100 lbs to lose.

    the closer you are to your goal weight, the lore your body resists letting go.

    I'd say readjust to "lightly active", and try eating about 75-80% of your exercise cals. (btw, are you calculating exercise cals with a heart rate monitor or are you trusting the machines at your gym? that could be a source of problems)

    don't give up-:flowerforyou:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    One thing I did when I went to the doctors was to print off my food diary for a week or two. It gave him a great idea of what I was eating and was probably more information than he's seen from someone in a long time (I went because I was thirsty all the time, they tested for diabetes). I included in it, but had to write by hand, how many glasses of water a day and what I did for exercise on those days. He actually told me I was a little low on my sodium intake, believe it or not (may have been because he was worried about the amounts of water I was taking in, and concerned about hyponatremia).
  • castellana
    castellana Posts: 8 Member
    Make sure that your carbs intake is not thru the roof. Watch your sugar (refined sugar, found in manufactured food, ... unlike sugar found in fruit) and sodium as well (cans and prepackaged foods.)

    I am doing the P90X workouts, 6 times a week, and I eat 1300 on the day I DON'T workout, and from 1300 up to 1800 on the days I workout. I have steadily lost weight since I started about 120 days ago. Slowly, of course, which is what I want (lose it fast and gain it faster!). I am 5'-5' and 129 pounds now. I started at 144. I am not in a hurry because I know it is a process and I am almost there. Fat index is 14.9%.

    Now, one of the most important things to me is the carbs/protein/fat breakdown: 40%-40%-20%. THAT IS WHAT CHANGED everything for me.

    Before myfitnesspal I was eating CARBS CARBS CARBS, and I thought I knew what I was doing! Now, in order to up my proteins I am actually having to use protein powder. The carbs I can get anywhere and I guess that is why I was not sheding the weight for years.

    My Rules: No carbs after 3pm or so unless I am about to work out. Definitely no starches after lunch (rice, potatoes etc). At night: veggies and proteins! Carbs before your main cardio workout, or in your recovery drink right after (watch the sugar on those!). Proteins are most necessary on your weight lifting days. Avoid those fat-free this and fat-free that: they are usually loaded with refined sugars.

    I hope that helps! I do not frequent this place (other than to log my foods) so I may not read your responses, but GOOD LUCK.

  • girth
    girth Posts: 5
    I to am a short female 5 foot 0, and 129lbs (down from 137 when I started in Jan). I fully agree with the post from Maria. She's right on about the food breakdown, 40,40,30. Try to eat every 3 hours at least. Also try adding more weight lifting into your routine. 20 minutes 3 days a week is not enough to do your body much but maintain. Try to lift at least 45-60 min 4-5 days and don't be scared to go heavy (no you won't get bulky). Muscle mass raises your metabolic rate. Lifting weights has made all the difference for me. Of course your cardio should either be first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or directly after your weight lifting that way you tap right into fat. Good luck!!
  • cquick
    cquick Posts: 220
    change things up a bit for certain!

    i personally think you are doing too much cardio and not enough weight lifting....

    muscle loves fat, right? so if you have surplus of lean muscle, it won't be able to do anything more than shed the fat (in a slow way, though, but you already know that)

    i've been having the same problem. i've been working out liike a fiend for a month, eating most of my exercise calories, eating a well balanced diet and i haven't seen any real change in the scale, but I am leaning up and the "sag" isn't so "saggy" anymore. my weight loss journey has been interesting, at one point i was down 80 pounds and way too skinny for my body type. now i'm up 25 pounds from waytooskinny and trying my damndest to just lose 10 pounds and it's just seeming super difficult for me to lose it and i don't know why...please let us know what your doctor says! i don't have a thyroid problem or diabetes either, and i'm just wondering what i'm doing wrong....

    hopefully our bodies are gaining that precious muscle right now, but i need only a little encouragement from the scale, same as you!

    keep it up!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Per my fitness magazines and hearing Jillian Michaels talk as well- Try eating 1400-1600 calories a day- Do your cardio and weight training-- Burn some calories-

    I eat 1400-1600 calories a day and workout 4-6 days a week for a min of an hour a day I don't leave the gym unless I burn 500 calories sometimes more I always try to aim for more but my min is 500- I don't touch my exercise calories-( I know some do and some people eat some but I don't)- Also think about investing in a good Heart Rate Monitor- especially since you eat your exercise calories so you know you are eating the right amount of calories.

    In my opinion I don't think anyne should just eat 1200 calories a day I think that is just too low.

    Good luck don't get discouraged it is very discouraging to not lose weight when you think you are doing every thing right. When I first opened my account on MFP I had plateaued (I had lost 30+ lbs but wanted to lose more) so I gave the MFP theory (eating exercise calories- Which I had never heard before but I was desperate) ago for a couple of months and had no results (I would get on the scale and cry Im not a crier by any means) I backed away from the site for awhile then came back with a vegenance I eat my 1400-1600 calories and workout and don't eat my calories earned from working out and Since I came back Feb 8th I have lost a total of 10lbs-

    Bascially what I am trying to say is this site is a great tool and guide but you may have to tweak to your individual needs-

    remember that it takes 3500 calories to gain/lose a pound-
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    1200 calories/day
    I eat all of my exercise calories
    Workout cardio for 40 mins/day (5-6 times/week)
    Weightlifting for 20 mins. (3 times/week)
    I am 25 years old, 5'2", and 135 pounds with a goal weight of 110 pounds.

    Oh and I am a kindergarten teacher- I have set my activity to sedentary also, even though I am probably "lightly active"

    Just curious when you hit the weights do you get sore afterwards? Are you challenging yourself with your cardio and weight training sessions-- Are you doing the same thing?How many reps/sets are you doing? Are you using too light of weights?
  • Kasey42588
    I used to do Weight Watchers (boring for me, but it truly works for other people), but anyway, my leader one week told us that if you cannot lose weight, it's probably the weight you're supposed to be at.. if tests come back negative for thyroid problems, then it might just be that that's where you're weight should be. The doctor will be able to help you better.
  • atodaro
    atodaro Posts: 27 Member
    I am about your height and weight but twice your age. When you say you are consuming 1200 calories and eating all your exercise calories are you saying you are really eating more than 1200? You should be. About 1450 anyway. I plateau if I don't eat enough because my metabolism shifts into starvation mode.
    See if there is a bod pod in your area so you can get an accurate body fat measurement. Once you know your lean mass you can get a better formula for calorie needs. I am assuming you are carefully counting your calories but some people underestimate their calories by several hundred. It does not take a lot of high density foods (for me it's cashews) to really mess up the count. The key is always to create a deficit but if you are sure you are doing that then you need to look at the starvation mode phenomenon.
  • happyhubbard
    Thank you all for the advise and encouragement- it was just what I needed:wink: I will take everything you all have suggested into consideration and KEEP TRYING!! My husband and I plan to start trying for our first baby in May, and my goal is to lose 10 pounds by the end of May for that occasion. I already love my unborn child too much to quit- he/she IS my motivation. So in short- I CAN do this and I WILL do this. I think its just finding what's right for my body that has been and is the hardest thing. I love this site, but I get such different advise from everyone and I know you should stick to something for 2 weeks before you re-evaluate (so far my trial and error has led to nothing). But it is OK, I really want to be healthy and can't give up. What could be worse than not losing any weight? GAINING weight, which is exactly what will happen if I give up- unacceptable!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    So basically, 5'2" 135 lbs is a BMI of 24.7 which is in the healthy range.

    you want to get to 110, which is a BMI of 20.1 or something.

    It's going to take a very long time to get to that goal for you.

    You're BMR is about 1325 calories per day. Someone in the healthy range shouldn't be eating under their BMR. At a minimum (and this is just my opinion here), you should be eating around 1350 calories but ultimately a deficit of 250 should be what you are trying for which gives you a calorie goal of about 1500. You need to give your body the energy it needs so it doesn't feel like it's in famine times and store any energy it can as fat. If you feed it, over the course of weeks or months, it will gradually learn that, and stop storing excess calories. But it takes time, months, to see noticable differences when you are at a healthy BMI.

    When you are healthy, the body doesn't want to change, it doesn't want to burn fat stores, so you have to battle the body by giving it enough fuel, and doing lots of resistance or weight training to increase your muscle to fat ratios.

    My ultimate recommendation would be to forget the big (550 calories) deficit, eat a 200 to 350 calorie deficit, and concentrate on your Body Fat % (building muscle while feeding the body). That is what will get you hot. not dropping 25 pounds. Besides being difficult to maintain, it also doesn't really lend itself to what your body looks like. Your basic shape is already there, you just need to give your body some definition. 110 is a number, Personally I feel that for most normal framed people (people with a normal amount of muscle, I.E. not hardcore athletes) have a BMI of between 22 and 24 is great!

    NOTE: this is what I would recommend for you happyhubbard, it's not what I would recommend for someone who had a higher BMI.